Author's Note

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When we go back and edit this we will probably make Quinn's explanation clearer but until then:

She explains that she doesn't have schizophrenia although she shows signs of it. The voices aren't fake and all in her head, they're actually repeating things said before. She is just digging up buried memories every time she hears the voices.

She says that she has something like Dissociative Identity Disorder. She says this because one of the voices she hears is her own. Struggling with her condition has caused her to say some pretty nasty stuff about herself.

She mentions that she has anxiety. Generalized Anxiety Disorder. She over-worries, and this can cause her to think and worry over things said about her. That's why she hears the voices.

She also has Panic Disorder, so when the voices act up, they get worse because she starts to panic.

You will soon know why she suffers, but for now this is all the information we can disclose.

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