the date part two

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Lauren's POV: I was already ready just waiting for Alex to get here I'm still nervous I mean its my first date and I know I like Alex just I didn't even know if she likes me I mean this can be a friend date right?
"Laur lauren!" Lisa said waving her hand in my face "huh what? What's happening"I asked " I have been calling your name for like 5mins now Alex is here she is downstairs and let me tell you she looks" "lisa I swear shut it" I said "ok you know I was gonna say awesome but fine then" lisa said crossing her arms and making a face I rolled my eyes as I walked down stairs I was my mom and dad talking to Alex my eyes widened shit..

Alex's POV: I had gotten ready jacks and Zack were still at my house in the movie room -,- which I think was the only reason why they went over for I honestly think they should get together already just being honest here anyway I. Was bout 5mins away from her house and I knew I liked her just I didn't know if she feels the same I mean she said yes because we are friends right? I thought to myself as I pulled up to her house ok Alex just breath..... Let's do this I said to myself as I got out walked up to the door the closer I got to the door my heartbeat picked up my hand started to sweat and I held the flowers I got to her close to my chest why was I so nervous I mean I don't know just ring the door bell Alex...I can't yes. Yes you can come on.. I was talking to myself that I didn't even notice I did ring the door bell I looked at my hand and wanted to faceplam myself but the door opened to a lisa smiling I can breathing again I thought "um hey lisa is um Lauren ready" I asked "hey Alex and she should be come on in" she said as I entered and followed her "you can wait her while I go get her" she said "alright thank you" I said as I stood by the stairs and waited "who are you" I heard a deep voice from behind me my eyes widened shit "um Alex one of laurens friends" I said as I turned around to be meet with a man who looked to be laurens dad while holding the hand of his wife "Lauren's friend? How come we never heard of you" her dad said "well mr.cimorelli I just meet lauren at the skatepark the other day but let me start over" I said as I put my hand out my pocket "I'm Alex Gonzalez short for Alexandra is a pleasure to meet you both" I said as shook both of their hands " did you say Alex Gonzalez as in Gonzalez inc " Mrs.cimorelli asked "yes ma'ma that's my father's company "I said putting a fake smile "so what are you and Lauren going to do today"Mr cimorelli asked with a serious face "we are going to the Santa Monica pair just a normal beach day" I said being honest "ok dad that's enough you can stop" I heard Lauren say oh thank god I thought I turned around and my jaw almost dropped.

Lauren's POV:
I stayed where I was Alex looked scared but I like how she introduce herself to my mom and dad my mom seemed to like her while my dad didn't seem so happy I mean how can you not like her she is so adorable "so what are you and Lauren doing today" my dad serious "we are to Santa Monica pair just a normal beach day" Alex said which i knew there was more to but I took that as my cue to come in "ok dad that's enough you can stop " I said as I got to the last step Alex turned around and her jaw opened a little I smiled trying not to laugh I looked at my mom who gave me a thumbs up without my dad seeing "um these are for you I didn't knew which ones so picked one of each " Alex said rambling yup adorable I thought "aww Alex you don't have to and they are beautiful" I said smiling while she smiled back we heard someone clear their throat I turned "mom can you please put them in water we don't wanna be late " I said "of course sweetheart " she said as she grabbed the Flowers from me "I want Lauren here by 11 no later and no funny business do you understand" my dad said Alex being Alex "of course sir and not at all sir you have my word" she said reasons why I like her I smiled "let go" I said as I dragged her out of my house into the car

Alex's POV: did she really drag me out of the house? As she got in the car I looked her "what?" She said " did you really have to drag me out I didn't even say bye" i said "sorry I just wanted to get out of there " she said "its alright me to and you look beautiful by the way"I said I then noticed how close she was she smiled and kissed my cheek "you don't look so bad yourself" I smiled and stared the car "let's go " I said
*skips car ride* "we are here" I said as I got out of the car and went around to open her door "good yay!" Lauren said jumping up and down I smiled "come on let's go get our wrist bands " I said as I held her hand.

No one's POV:
Honestly the two girls were happy as ever lauren was so excited and Alex just loved seeing her smile and agreed to ride ever ride with her lauren was happy to have alex by her side but also sad because she couldn't wait to tell her what the band had talked about the day before she wouldn't see Alex for a while but it was for the best. Alex was planning on telling lauren her screact just later that night and she understand if lauren didn't even wanna talk with her anymore or even be near her but it was for the best. Both girls didn't think much about what they had to tell each other later they just enjoyed themselves ridding rides and walking around holding hands laughing taking pictures and just being happy with each other alex even paid $50 dollars at a game trying to win Lauren a panda bear which lauren said it was fine but alex didn't give up the guy even said he would give it to her by the 5th time but alex said she wanted to win it herself after the 15th time she got it Lauren swear she would pay her back alex kissed her cheeck and said to not to worry about it lauren loved that about alex by the time sunset came the girls had been on every ride and ate almost one of everything expect the fairs wheel as they got on alex put her arm around Lauren's shoulder and lauren layed her head on alex 's shoulder and watched the sunset it was 6 by the time the girls got done 5hrs to spear alex said she wanted to show lauren her favorite place. There everything was gonna change.

A/N: so what do you think lauren has to tell alex? What do you think alex's secrect is? Well alex make her move? Will lauren still look at alex the same? You just have to wait and see also I may update today if not next weekend

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