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"So you're an Elf?" Robin asked.

"Princess Sapphire. Though my friends call me Saph."

"Hello. My name is Robin. This is Christina, Isabelle, Julianna, John, Henry, Thomas, Peter, and Phillip."

"What happened last night has slowly been coming back to me. I believe I owe you and Phillip for my life."

"We do what we can to help. We would also like to escort you home as soon as you are ready."

"That's really not necessary. Once I get closer to home there's no way I could get lost. I grew up in that part of the woods. The bear was simply chasing me and when I ran I lost my route. Along with the fact that magic drains me greatly and that causes me to more or less hibernate until my body replenishes itself."

"But, wait," I said. "How can you speak English now, if you couldn't when you first woke up?"

"I could, I just didn't both because when I'm stressed or confused I tend to revert to my native tongue and because I didn't realize you weren't an Elf, considering how much you look like one."

"What do you mean I look like an Elf?"

"Well, your skin is extremely pale and you have an unusual eye color. Both of those things are typically Elvish attributes. They can be absolutely human though as well, depending on where you are from."

"You mentioned that the bear that attacked you chased you from your route," Robin butted in before I could say anything else.

"Yes. I was simply headed home from a friend's."

"How much further do you have to go to reach your home?"

"About a day an a half on foot."

"Wonderful. Phillip and I will escort you home."

Sapphire opened her mouth to reply, but John beat her there.

"Hold on. You're going to take him and not me? Are you serious?"

"Yes I am."

"It's fine, it's fine. I really don't need help getting home," Sapphire interjected, trying to stop the argument that was building.

"You're still weak from draining yourself. And what if you're attacked again? I don't know much about magic, but that sounds like a bad idea with no one to help you."

"Fine. You can come with me."

"Fantastic! Now John, I will speak to you in the hallway."

Robin stood up and led John away. Everyone else either went to do some busy work, or started interrogating Sapphire about Elves. I snuck over toward the door, opened the panel just a slit, and pressed my ear against it.

"–don't understand why you're taking him instead of me."

"John, I'm taking Phillip with me because who do you think I trust more, the boy I've know for less than a month, or my faithful boyfriend who has rarely wavered in his love for me?"

"So you're leaving the one you trust more behind?"

"I am leaving you to rule my people. I trust that you will be a good leader in the next few days. Just promise me one thing. No violence."

"About that–"

"Promise me first."

"I promise. Now about that, I am so, so sorry, for what I did to you. I need your forgiveness before I can stop hating myself."

"It's alright, John. I've known you have a temper for a long time now."

"Thank you. I want to give you something, but you have to answer a question before I can give it to you. I wanted to wait for your birthday but since it's unlikely you'll be here, I'm going to do this four days early."

"Alright," she said. There was a pause before she spoke again. "But that was your mother's!"

"I know. But I wanted to do this right."

I couldn't see them but I heard John move and Robin made a small gasping noise. And when John spoke, I was just as surprised as she was.

"Marry me?" he said.

"Yes!" She squealed immediately.

But instead of her joy, I felt a burning in the pit of my stomach. I'd felt anger and I'd felt desire. It was a little like both those emotions mixed together. Then an absolutely ridiculous thought came to me. Was it possible that this feeling was jealousy? But what could I possibly be jealous of? There was nothing he had that I didn't. Except for Robin's love, said the small voice that wouldn't leave me alone.

No! I'd had enough of this. There had to be a way to make it stop. Maybe Sapphire would have some sort of spell that would be able to make that little voice be quiet. I'd ask her about it the first chance I got.

The door began to open and I sprung away from it. Christina gave me a knowing look, but didn't say anything. Was there any way to keep a secret in a place like this?

Hood Part 1Where stories live. Discover now