skylines and ice cream

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under the stars of the toronto skyline were the band known as the polaroids.

at the time they were celebrating their acceptance as competitors. similar to 5 seconds of summer, they too had humble beginnings. basement jam sessions, stressful music classes and hours of listening to a fumbling boy play a ukulele while they worked on songs. in the end it all payed off. when their fourth single, last night's grace hit the charts, it was only weeks before everything became a surreal, nauseating blur. this was the first time they could take a moment to breath in the past 11 months. at the moment kayla was in a nothing but a leather jacket, dancing in her underwear, which to the 3 remaining people who were clothed, not surprisingly were black.

"this is the best. holy shit" she breathed after finishing bouncing and jumping around the living room for 4 consecutive songs

daxton smirked from the couch, eating ben&jerry's which she knew well she wasn't supposed to have but, to daxton this was celebration, creamy amazing victory. emm came in the door, holding their night's supply of alcohol in a lcbo bag, she held it up triumphantly. the two other girls screamed which collapsed into laughter. emm was in a brilliant mood, such a mood that the music that was blasted on the speakers that was alternating between classic rock, popular songs from the radio and alternative didn't bother her, it was actually a good change at the moment to her usual post hardcore vibe. walking over to the table, doc martens gleaming under the soft glow of the apartment lights, emm removed the content from the bag, which included whisky, red wine, vodka and some coolers, a strange array of alcohol for even stranger group of barely young adults. by the time their 4th member joined them in the living room, the three girls were all pantless, drinking red wine from the bottle and taking turns singing along to the playlist from kayla's phone. at the top of the stairs, stood the lone boy of the group, long shaggy hair was damp from his shower and a little smile plastered to his face. some may question his intentions with these 3 girls but he knew exactly what they were.

lilo joined them, pantless, donning his teal boxers, dancing and singing to the music, which at the time was taylor swift. it was only when daxton's phone went off from a twitter notification that she decided to check it. there on her lockscreen was a tweet from a boy of a famous band that to kayla's reluctance, daxton enjoyed.

ashton irwin: so stoked to announce we're official competitors of the raise the music international band competition! thank you all for your support!

when daxton showed it to the rest, kayla was the first to react after taking a swig from the bottle of red wine, lips stained red and a smug look on her face.

"maybe he'll finally listen now"

the rest smirked in return, continuing to celebrate.

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