The new national anthem.

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I roll over on the bed. the sheets cold and soft. the light shines through the curtains fierce and blinding. making me me creep out of my shelter.

my body's sore from laying here all day everyday thinking ; praying that everything could go back before the stupid attempt to kiss my best friend.

I'm staying in small house about 3 hours from my tourbus. Its own by our old record for when we pass through or when we want to write for a new record but we haven't used it since we switch record labels. but they dont mind us borrowing it every once in a while.

I head to the bath room ready to take a well needed shower. I strip out of my cloths and carefully entered the shower. The water was warm and inviting.

soon my thoughts got the best of me and went back to Jaime.


his smile. his laugh. his eyes. his... everything.

why do I have to feel this way. right now being near him hurts and being away from him hurts even worse. I need his warmth.

I finished my shower got dressed. I called the local pizza joint for a pizza and sat do in the den waiting.

in font of me on the table are a bunch of pages with songs and notes. I wrote at least 7 good songs just on my situation and it kinda makes me feel ... pathetic.

*ding dong *

I get up and answer the door only to not have found the pizza Guy but...

"Jaime? ... w-what are you doing here?"

he pulled me into a tight embrace. he's warm like always so war- no I can't.

I push out of his embrace. Hurt flashed over his eyes.

"Vic" he whispered

I turned and walked away.

"Vic!" Jaime yelled as he grabbed my arm but I don't turn. I don't want him to see me this way. I don't want him to see what he does to me.

"Vic I'm sorry."

"why?" I whispered still not looking at him. "why would you denie me?"

"Vic I thought ..."

"Thought What?"

"that I didn't deserve you."

I turned confused and looked at the broken man in front of me.

"I have insecurities okay. Your to good, too amazing, and special to be tied down to me. When I look at when we play on stage its like I see something extraordinary like the world just want to hand you the universe. I don't deserve the man you are." he's pulls me closer. "But I'm a greedy selfish man and I want you. I want the man with the beautiful words, the man who likes to beat Tony at beer pong the man who has such a amazing heart who his fans look to lean on. I want my band mate. I want my best friend. I want Victor Vincent Fuentes"

I stare at him and let his words sink in ... then I hit him.

"What the hell Vic"

"Jaime your perfact. Kind funny amazing. I don't deserve you."

something flashed across his eyes. he studies me. his finger tips glide over the side of my neck as he presses his warm hand there sending shivers down my bad. his thumb slowly rubs over my jaw line. his face gets closer.


"Shh Vic"

then he places his lips on mine sending waves of warmth through me. I grab bother sides of his body and pull him closer causing him to tower me even more. Our lips move slow and persist. full of longing lust and love. A kiss I never ever had before.

he placed one had on my lower back. his tongue glided over my bottom lip softly causing me to shake.

he pulls back. breathless.

"Vic i-i love you. "

"I love you to Jaime" I said as I pulled him back for one last kiss before we were interrupted by the door bell.

I left his grasp which so desperately needed and answered the door. it was the pizza Guy. I paid him and took my two large pizzas inside.

Jaime looked at me and started to laugh.

"what I'm a growing boy"

"more like chubby"

"whatever " I set the pizza down and pulled Jaime down on the couch with me.

and we talked like we did before all of this started. I still had my best friend...

and so much more.

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