Chapter 11.

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Chica locked Toy Chica up in an closet. Then, she grabbed Mangle.
"Let go of her!" Shouted Foxy.
"No!!" Chica said. She grabbed a big sword.
"Where did you get that from?" Mangle asked, shakily.
"Oh, Bonnie gave it to me. I think he loves me. And now, I'm going to rip you up again."
Mangle gasped. "You did it! You ripped me up a couple of days ago!" She yelled.
"Yes, I did. Toy Chica fixed you didn't she? Well, now she can't." Chica laughed. Then, she threw Mangle on the floor. Mangle climbed up on the ceiling and looked at Chica sadly.
"I'm gonna tell everyone about you!" She snarled.
"No you won't..." Chica replied. She picked up the broken pink and white fox. Then she threw her in the closet, with Toy Chica.
When Mangle saw her best friend, she burst into tears.
"Oh Chi!! Your all-"
Mangle got tied up with ropes too.
Then Chica walked over to Foxy. She shut him off and messed with his fuses. Then, she added a new wire inside him. A love wire. This would make him Chica.
When he woke up, Chica stood in front of him.
"Hello darling!!" He said.
"Hi Foxy..." Chica replied happily.
Foxy grabbed Chica and kissed her. Chica kissed back.
Mangle and Toy Chica didn't know what was happening!
But they were scared...

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