Chapter 5.

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The next day was a terrible day for Toy Chica. At least she was going to the park with Foxy in the night.
She was going to down to see her best friend Mangle, when she noticed something different about her! Mangle was broken! "Maggie, your broken!" Toy Chica wailed.
"I know!! I woke up and I was.....just......UGLY!!" Mangle sobbed.
Toy Chica's eyes filled with tears. Whenever Mangle cried, she cried, and whenever she cried, Mangle cried. Toy Chica rushed over to her BFF and hugged her. She patted her head, because that always made her poor best friend feel better. Tears dripped down Mangle's cheeks.
"Chi-Chi, I'm a monster!" She wept.
"No your not!! Your still beautiful! Your unique Maggie-Mangle. But if you want to be fixed that much......I guess I could try and fix you." Toy Chica said.
Mangle looked at her BFF. "Really?" She whispered in disbelieve.
Mangle started swinging around the room, screaming happily. "OMG!!! CHI-CHI YOUR THE BEST BFF IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!" She shrieked.
TC laughed. "I'll do my best to make you perfect again, Mangle!" She beamed.

A few hours later, Toy Chica tried to fix Mangle. She was scared that something might go wrong, but she was also determined to make her BFF happy! She layed Mangle down on a table and shut her off, so she wouldn't feel anything and she grabbed the tool box. Then she fixed her! When she woke up three hours later, she was perfect!! She hugged Toy Chica tightly.
"Thank you so much Chi-Chi. You made me pretty again! I love you!!" Mangle gushed.
"No prob, Mangle!! I love you too!!" TC replied, happily. "And Now it's time to go on a date with Foxy. Well, a sort-of-date!!" She thought.

Foxy x Toy Chica's story.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें