The First Task

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The closer the first task got, the more nervous Amie got. Anyone of her friends could get hurt.

"Amie, calm down, you look like you're gonna be sick," Hermione soothed as the two of them walked down to the dragon enclosure.

"Yeah, Amie, relax," Ron said joining them with Dean, Seamus, Fred, George and Lee.

"I can't," Amie shook. "What if they get hurt?"

"They'll be fine," Hermione assured. "Remember, Dumbledore's there - he won't let anything too bad happen,"

"You're right, of course, but something can happen, and that's bad enough!" Amie was close to a panic attack.

"Amie!" Hermione said, worriedly. "If you can't calm down I'm going to have to take you to Madam Pomfrey,"

Amie's eyes widened in surprise at Hermione's words. She nodded in agreement.

"Come on, everything'll be fine," said George, walking over and putting an arm around Amie's shoulders.

"I hope you're right," said Amie quietly.

Not half an hour later the entire student body along with the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students were assembled in the stands. Amie was slightly shaking, but George still had an arm around her, which provided some comfort. All too soon, Ludo Bagman started his commentary. The first to go was Cedric, and Amie started biting her nails. The dragon, a Swedish short-snout, was a big silvery-blue one. The dragon followed Cedric's movements closely, breathing fire in his direction - which he dodged. Just as Amie was starting to wonder what his plan was, Cedric waved his wand in a complicated pattern, transfiguring a big rock into a labrador. The dog managed to get the dragon's attention, and Cedric moved closer to the eggs, and he grabbed the golden one just as the dragon turned around.

"RUN!" Amie yelled in a panic, and Cedric just started to move away as the dragon's fire reached him. Luckily the dragon keepers managed to get the dragon under control before  Cedric was burnt to ashes. But his face and the side of his body was burnt. The judges gave him his score, 38, before he was whisked off to see Madam Pomfrey.

Next was Fleur, who was facing a Common Welsh Green. Amie watched in awe as Fleur did some sort of charm which put the dragon in a sleepy kind of trance. Everything was going great until the dragon snorted and Fleur's skirt caught fire. Amie whimpered a little, but Fleur quickly put the fire out with her wand and got the golden egg. The crowd applauded her as she got her score and exited the enclosure. Second to last was Viktor, and his dragon was a Chinese Fireball, which made Amie nervous - Harry had told her about the dragons, and the only one left was a Hungarian Horntail. Viktor looked extremely focused as he came face to face with the dragon, and put a  Cunjunctivitus Curse on it, making it blind. But then the dragon started thrashing about in a blind rage, smashing some of her own eggs. Viktor managed to get the golden egg, but the judges took points from him because he wasn't supposed to damage the eggs.

With only Harry left, Amie was more nervous and relieved at the same time. As he walked into the enclosure Amie saw his face set. The Hungarian Horntail was truly a terrifying creature, yellow eyes, black scales and a spiky tail. Harry raised his wand.

"Accio Firebolt!" he cried, and everyone waited relatively silently for something to happen. Amie gave a whoop of joy as his firebolt flew into view. It stopped next to Harry, who mounted and flew up high in the air, where he stopped to look down at the Horntail. Amie could practically see him form a plan, and a second later he went into a steep dive, pulling out just as a jet of fire was released at the place where he would've been if he hadn't dodged it.

"Great Scott, he can fly!" Amie heard Bagman comment. "Are you watching this, Mr. Krum?"

Harry flew around in a circle above the dragon, who followed his movements. Just as Harry dived, the dragon spat flames, which missed Harry - but he didn't dodge the tail, which struck his shoulder. Amie gave a frightened shriek as she saw Harry bleed, but Harry didn't seem to care. As he zoomed behind the Horntail, Amie saw on his face that he'd understood something. What happened next confused everyone - except Harry, it seemed. Harry was flying from one side to the other, not close enough to be in the range of fire, but close enough for the dragon to keep her eyes on him. Gradually Harry flew higher, and the dragon stretched as far as her neck allowed. As Harry got higher up, the dragon roared and shot fire into the air - and he dodged. She thrashed her tail around, but Harry was too far away. Amie knew now that Harry was trying to taunt it so she would take to the air.

Amie and The Return (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 4 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now