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I was blindfolded, by Riley, of course. She won't tell me where we're going. I didn't know she could drive. Or owned a car. Maybe she stole it?

Oh my gosh, it's a stolen car. Maybe she bought a stolen car. Did that once and Got arrested for it. Oh my gosh what if we get arrested on our first date? That would be scarring. Definitely something to laugh about, though.

Okay, Maya. Pull yourself together. Your fine. Riley's fine. This is not a stolen vehicle. The date will go perfect.

"Okay..two more steps..two more steps..Careful.." Riley said, holding me so I won't fall, and I have to admit I loved her touch.

"Okay! Open your eyes!" She shrieked, excited. She carefully removed the blindfold.

I was in awe. I was in the middle of nowhere. Trees surrounded us, free fresh air to take in, beautiful riverside and i could see a house on the river not so far off.

"Um," Riley cleared her breath. "This is my special place. Whenever I was sad, or upset, I would come here. It means everything to me, And I wanted to share it with you."

"It's," I started. "Just breathtaking." I said with a relaxed sigh.

"Isn't it?" Riley smiled softly.

I nodded, chuckling.

Riley lifted a picnic basket from her hands. "Let's eat?"

I nodded and we sat by the calming river and started to eat our sandwiches.

I told her horror stories of places I've been, things I've seen, dangers I've encountered, and my past.

She told me beautiful stories of her little brother, parents, friends, and overall life in the city.

I enjoyed knowing more about her life. It's so strange though. I just met her online when she mistook me for the wrong person around 3 months ago.


A few hours later, I was home and my phone beeped.

"RileysSmiley: I had fun tonight."

I smiled at the message and started to type a response. "BreakTheRules: me too."

A few minutes later I heard two pings. "RileysSmiley: I know this is a little forward but"
"RileysSmiley: will you be my girlfriend??"

I stared right at the message carefully, reading every which word, making sure I read it right.

"BreakTheRules: I would be honored."


YASS Rilaya date! Sorry it's awful I'm bad at writing dates, their too damned awkward

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