Part 3

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After two long boring classes its finally break time, i enter the hall way and look around at the glob of teens shoving their way into the cafeteria... i was alone. "Clarissa" a deep voice barked and i turn around to face James " because we are both new i thought we could sit together" he stares at me with his large brown eyes looking like a lost puppy, "that would be grea...." a herd of wild teenagers shove past me. "that would be great" i repeat as i flash a very forced smile.

As soon as i enter the cafeteria someone drags me by the arm "oh hey Alex" she leads me to a table at the very corner of the room it was labelled 'the emo corner' i tilt my head back and laugh "i don't think i'll fit in at this table" i wink playfully "me either" James places his head on my shoulder, i jump back from fear "shit dude! you scared me"i place my hands over my heart "Clair!" Alex stretches "ew","what i think its cute anyways this is Katie and Ross" she points at two people who are sitting at the table both of them highly attractive "nice to meet you" all three of us say at the same time, we all give each other weird looks "freaky" James laughs.

The bell for fourth period rang I snatch my bag and enter the crowd of teens who are making their way to their classes I take out my timetable to check where I am next 'm5 with Miss Smith' "I hate English! " I arrive at my destination and enter the class room "why do you think it's acceptable to arrive late to my class!" she declares "I deeply apologize I'm new and don't quite know my way around the school" "hmm sit there" she points at an empty sit beside a boy but I can't quite make out his face because he has his head down on the desk. He lets out and huge sigh and turns his back to me, "okay today class we are going to be working in pairs! You and the person beside you have to come up with a campaign on a new product" The teacher states; "for fuck sake" he utters and finally he turns around to face me "I'll do all the work and you can just sit in the corner and cut yourself" he smirks I open my mouth slightly but I'm too shocked to reply, he turns back around and doesn't talk to me for the rest of the lesson "we'll continue this tomorrow now get to your next class!"Miss smith says with excitement in her voice . I make an effort to get out of there as soon as possible but I over hear the same guy i was sitting with talking to his friends "omg I'm stuck with an emo she will probably kill herself before the project ends" they all laugh but I take a deep breath and continue walking towards the door.

Its finally lunch and I tell the people currently sitting at my table about my bad experience in English "hmm does he have black curly hair?" Ross questions "Yes! Do you know him?" "Sadly I do his name is Joe we used to be best friends before he became a chav" Ross puts his head down in shame "oh god I'm starving" I get up and head to the line but as soon as I'm half way across the room I hear "EMO","EMO FAG" "HAHAHA ARE YOU GOING TO GO HOME AND CUT YOURSELF, FREAK!" I start running the other direction towards the bathroom "aw the little freak is going to kill herself" "HAhaHAhaHA" the tears start streaming down my face and my vision suddenly becomes blurry 'BOOM' I crash to the floor I close my eyes hoping everything will end I felt someone towering over me they bend down and grab my hand pulling me up; I put my head into James's chest and sob silently "thank you" he grabs my hand and takes me to the empty hallway "pussy little emo hiding behind your boy" someone screams in the background, we are finally in silence I hide my face behind my hands James tries to comfort me but I mute him "you know what screw this I'm a loser and I always will be, I thought this time it would be different but I was bloody wrong what did I expect look at me!" the tears increase "SHUT UP " James raises his voice " this is your first day! Are you just going to let a few chavs bring you down? That's it!" James marches it the cafeteria "NO YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE THINGS WORSE!" I scream with desperation but he ignores me and continues marching towards Joe "you, what the fuck do you think you are doing? Huh is that how to treat new kids I think someone need to teach you some fucking manners!" Joe laughs and turns away "don't fucking ignore me while I'm talking to you!" 'bash' with one punch Joe lands on the ground "fuck you" James screams and marches back to me "don't worry I'll take care of you" he places his hand on my head.

*principles office*

"James Philips! you start a fight on you first day at this school!" James looks down at his feet "i'm sorry Miss it won't happen again i promise", "it better not now get out of here i don't want to see your face for awhile, got that?" "yes ma'dam!" he walks out of the office and closes the door "James what happened? are you in trouble?" i whine "she let me off with it" "you know you didn't need to defend me, like we just met" "i would of did it for anyone he was a dick and deserved a good punch""thank you!" he smiles and walks away. Its finally the end of the day and i can leave.

*i enter my house*

Dad:"hey chicken how was school?"


Dad:"did you make any friends?"

me:"yeah a couple"

* I run up stairs to my room and close the door*

I am not looking forward for tomorrow!

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