Part 1

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hey, my name is Clarissa and I've just moved to a new town in London from where I have past lived in Florida, america; the reason for this new drastic move is because my dad lost his visa when he divorced my mum two weeks ago, The last school I attended I didn't exactly fit in you could say I was a complete social outcast! I didn't choose to be this way ,to be honest I didn't get much choice at all, on the first day of school I tripped over my own clumsy feet and happened to land on one of the beloved 'rice kids' from then on he made my life a living hell to the point where going to school felt like walking to my own execution; he would find every and anyway to purely torture me and make sure no one would even breathe to close to me it was as if I had a contagious disease and clearly making friends didn't seem like a possibility at the time so I stopped trying.

Today is my chance to start over, i'm in a new country with new people at a new school no one could possibly know me or know what a loser I used to be its a perfect opportunity for me to stop being a social outcast and start developing new friendships and just completely leave my past behind so its nothing more that just an old nightmare.

The thought of changing my life made me truly happy so I decided to go with this big change I should start by changing my appearance, a lot of people made fun of me back in Florida because the way I looked... i'm 5,4 with a slim figure, thick black rimmed glassed, light brown hair always tied back in a low ponytail, a very pale completion, natural and bare with no make up to cover flaws and to finish the look bell bottom jeans and a overly large hoodie to put my hands in while I shy away in public.I didn't know much about fashion and zero to none style so I went to the nearest shop and picked up some fashion magazines and read though them hoping to gain some knowledge on the topic, it was hopeless I was already starting to give up until I turned to one particular page; it was titled 'Gothic fashion' I thought to myself I want to look like that its perfect! I grabbed my purse and ran back to the shop where I bought black hair and red hair dye and ran back eagerly,I read the instructions through and through and started applying the dye to my hair, the black on the top layer and the red on the bottom and I set my time and waited, The wait felt longer that it really was but I couldn't help but be excited to see the finishing results, the new me.

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