Part 2

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The first day of school.

I woke up at 6am that morning I remember that anxious feeling I got while I entered the shower as being so excited the night before ;the excitement turned into true terror as flash backs of dreaded past memories entered my thoughts. I put in contacts for the first time and slipped on my new black ripped jeans and black laced top, but it just didn't seem like enough so I looked through my packed boxes and discovered a black tattoo choker and black eyeliner which where Christmas presents from my auntie who didn't quite know me that well clearly from the gifts she bought but I praise her for trying, I slip on the choker and quickly look up youtube tutorials on how to put on eyeliner... after the long struggle I put on my doctor martians grabbed my black backpack and leave for my first day of school.

I'm walking towards the school yard my first sight of school kids made me panic but I put on a brave face and continue walking into the school grounds, as I enter the school a middle aged woman approaches me and says in the most dry and depressed voice only two words "follow me", no proper greeting just two simple words. I follow this lady down the hall when she finally stops and pushes the door to what seems like an office of some sort "Hey i'm the principle of this school its nice to meet you" another yet more cheerful woman says from behind a desk "hey i'm Clarissa i just mov...." before I could finish my sentence she cuts me of "you clearly didn't get the message about the uniform but no matter I will let you of with it today but you better get it sorted by tomorrow" she says as she hands me a leaflet on school rules "now go to your first class" she snaps. I do as she says and head out of her office; with the leaflets she gave me a timetable "m21" I mutter "hey that's my class, want me to take you there?" says some mysterious girl in the hallway "erm um sure.... sorry my name is Clarissa i just moved here" I stuttered "i'm Alex , omg is that an american accent i hear? I love American accents!" we both smile and nod and start walking to class in silence.

We finally arrive to our class and at this point my anxiety starts to act up and I can't seem to stop shaking, Alex notices this "Its okay there is nothing to worry about these are lovely people and i'll be by your side!"she gives me a friendly smile and couldn't help but smile back is this the start of a friendship? will she be my very first best friend? "Thank you" I say as I try and hold back the tears.

I place my hand on the handle and push the door slowly "well its too late to go back" I close my eyes for a spit second and then I enter the classroom, I look around its quite strange seeing all these faces that I don't recognize; I look over at the desk at the font of the room but it seems to be empty I end up staring at the empty desk for a good 5 minutes until I realise that the entire class had an intense gaze on me... I was silent as the students looked me up and down like they where judging if I was up to standards. I start to shake a bit but Alex places her hand on my shoulder and points at two empty seats I put my head down and practically ran at that moment I could feel a heavy weight on my shoulders and it felt physically impossible to lift my head in other words it was like I was suddenly labeled prey and my predators where watching slowly waiting for the perfect moment to pounce, maybe it was all in head, maybe I was letting my fears over come me, maybe I was afraid I will become what I used to be... nothing but a piece of trash in society's eyes.

A man marches in, he is wearing an old fashion brown suit which is perfectly fitted to his ripped body and a slim bloody red tie to complete the look he had his brown slightly curled hair in a perfect swept side fringe which laid on his god like toned face. "damn" I whisper, Alex giggles and I playfully hit her arm, "is he the teacher?"I say trying to hide my smirk "actually I have never seen him in my life" as soon as she finishes her sentence an old man in his 40's with eyebrows that cover half of his Frankenstein-like forehead bursts in announcing his arrival "hey class whats hanging? *the whole class cringes* what can I not be cool?" he sighs "anyways we have two new students with us! Clarissa and James, as a class I hope you welcome both these new students with respect and help them out for the first week"* the bell rings which means the end of class* I grab my stuff and make an exit behind Alex "Clarissa" James hollers across the room but I ignore him and pick up my speed.

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