" Those girls are horrible and scary, " Silica huffed as she gathered the folds of the black dress which they had been trying to force on her. I would have changed back into the uniform myself if they hadn't put it under lock and key, and there was absolutely no way I was going to walk home wearing this ...

" Hey, we know you're in this tree so get down !! Or we're going to keep your uniforms and sell them to the boys ~~ " the scary girls from earlier smiled creepily as they circled the tree and a few even attempted grabbing at the trunk but fortunately, the rough bark deterred them any further and they dropped whenever they were just a few centimetres to grabbing my foot. 

" Ugh, and we only have one sets of uniforms ... " I muttered as I scrambled up onto a higher branch. Silica hoisted me up and we watched in silence as all of them started climbing the trees all at once, using one another as a ladder for getting higher. What determination they showed, I had to admire it, the fact that they'd be willing to be stepped on just so that the others would be able to reach us and then pull us down. 

" I'm going to jump and make a run for it, you ? " Silica asked as she readied herself into a crouch, prepared to spring when they came too close. 

" No thank you, I'm not prepared to break my neck and I'm not immortal either like a certain someone here, " I shook my head. As much as I'd like to have my uniform back and get back home as fast as I could, I also preferred if I didn't break my neck or sprain an ankle. The sports meet was coming up in a few weeks after the Cultural Festival and having a sprained ankle would mean that I wouldn't be able to participate in a single event. Oh yes, and the fact about being immortal. Silica could jump off a 50-storey building and survive, even make a crater in the place where she landed but I definitely couldn't, hence there's no way I would ever be willing to jump off a tree and risk my life.

" Suit yourself, if you ever manage to live it out, I might just return with our uniforms, " Silica sprang as a hand came dangerously close to my wrist and I hurriedly raised it and inched further away from the mass of hands, head and feet. Some of them whom thought chasing and recapturing Silica would be easier gave chase immediately of course and it was around three-quarters of the girls whom were chasing Silica, only one-quarter which was only a mere 5 girls lingered around. I exhaled a sigh of relief, the 5 girls left behind weren't enough to get me lest the whole class. This situation kind of reminded me of a pack of insane lions trying to corner some nice little bird which they could feed on later or in this case, to doll up their prey. 

Insane lions indeed, normal lions would never bother to go after a mere bird when there were so many other bigger prey out there. 

I stooped on the tree, admiring the delicate fabric of the clothes I wore. I didn't really dislike them but I didn't like them either, it was just that this was just too ... skimpy. I know many women, especially girls around ths age, would be dying to show off their legs, curvy figure and flat stomach but I just didn't like to be gaped at by the boys. Whenever I saw their mouths widening and saliva dripping out, I just felt like flinging off a building ... twice and hopefully, in space so that they'll never come back again and explode or something. 

The girls left, after they had bet a lunch ticket over whether I was to come down in the next two hours, of course I did not and scowling at the tree for being so tall and rough, they left. That was good, I mean, the girls leaving was good because that meant I won't be dragged anywhere and gawked at but now my second problem was, how was I going to get down ?

I knew how to climb trees and more often than not, how to get down from them but this tree was just ... too high, higher than any other tree I had ever climbed before and my feet were sore from stepping barefoot on the branches. Well yea, they managed to grab my shoe right off and make away with it so now I was barefoot literally.

Hesitation sat in as I stared at the ground below, it looked hard, and painful if I were to slip and fall but if I didn't try, I'd never know ... right ? Steadying myself, relying on the branches overhead which I could grab onto, I stepped onto the lower branches and as frightened as I was, made my way down. 

" You see 0, if I throw you off this building, you wouldn't die like how normal people would. See, " the faceless man in the white laboratory coat said as he flung a child off the roof of a building. The child had been crying, tears streaming from her once-rosy cheeks which had long lost their colour. She was kicking, crying, screaming when she as flung off, dropped, one by one, the children were and he forced me to look on. 

" Now it's your turn, " he said, grabbing me by my collar and as simply as that, he released his grip. Air rushed up, trees seemed to meet me and branches grabbed at me, the cold hard ground greeted me face-first but ... it didn't hurt. I sat up, the twisted bodies of the children all around me, some of them were half-decaying, perhaps the same children I met the last week, the children that disappeared and had to be replaced. They were crying, streams of blood trickling from the corners of their eyes and their necks and limbs were twisted at angles which seemed much too painful for them to bear if they had been alive, death must have been a relief for them. 

" E-eeeh ... ?! " too caught up in thought, I had lowered myself down when the branch I was standing on sank and then snapped. With fingertips barely touching the branch above, I felt myself falling back down again, the cold air greeting me again with it's icy smile and touch and then, it would be the ground stained red. 

" I thought I wasn't going to catch you on time, are you alright ? " the owner of the arms that caught me and put me down was none other than the same brown-haired boy I kept bumping into and met this morning. Suzaku. Of course but why was he around ? The seniors were supposed to have gone home to revise for their ODPs which would then determine their school on the next level. Oh wait, I almost forgotten, Suzaku wasn't any normal student but then again, he should be with Nunally shouldn't he ? 

" I was just heading back when I saw you slip, " Suzaku said simply as he turned away facing another direction. At first I was left wondering why but when I finally realized, I was already pathetically trying to cover up with my hands though I doubt that make the situation any much different.

" Don't look, " I muttered as a scarlet colour spreaded over my cheeks and I quickly turned my head away, embarrassed by this situation unfolding before me. 

" If I had to say something, I'd say you looked pretty good actually, " 

" Stop looking, you pervert !!! They forced this on me ! " 

" Heh. " Suzaku stifled his laughter with a smirk and eyed me from head to toe once more. 

" PERVERT ! > //////// < ! " 

Aah, people would be asking him how he got that red handprint on his face, I wonder how he was going to answer to them.

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