"No... Cara- I don't. Let's just be friends, I've missed you and we were the original duo. I can't refuse." The shorter American has always been good with words, watching her best friend soften in front of her, taking her hands as a last soften, seeing all the ice disappear. "Fancy dinner tonight?"

"Of course," Cara accepts, knowing her friend means off campus. "I'll look forward to it." The conversation then veers to other stuff, the Brit mentioning an audition at the weekend to pursue her acting career. It's just Kendall that's left with an uneasy feeling in her stomach, thinking of a certain brunette that she said she'd be friends with.

Twenty minutes later and they're five minutes into English class, Cara sharing a desk with Kendall once more. She doesn't feel too bad, the brunette she wants to hide this rekindled bond with is not in the classroom yet although she should be. They're supposedly revising coursework but of course, the duo are chatting about possible places for dinner tonight, anything to avoid checking the pages they'd written weeks earlier, knowing they wouldn't find any mistakes as Miss Swift had gone through both of their papers with them, correcting it effortlessly. "Girls," the authoritative tone of Miss Hall interrupts, "you're friends with Karlie. Have you seen her?"

"Karlie isn't our friend," Cara replies, pulling Kendall back round and ignoring the new teacher. She's new and Cara is rich- guess who has the upper hand! An unpleasant voice nags Kendall however, telling her that she's being a backstabbing bitch by letting the hopeful actress say those things. The door opens however, distracting the whole class from the task. It's Karlie. Kendall can't meet her eyes, bringing her phone out and pretending to be engrossed by its boring contents. "Miss Kloss," the English teacher starts to speak, loud and clear above the sudden hush, "you're ten minutes late. Care to explain why?"

"Well I didn't want to be in the same room as Cara so I wasn't going to come but then some bitch found me in my room and forced me to come." Everyone oohs at this, loving the cat fight that's barely started. Karlie is obviously upset but no one seems to care, one of the guys taking it too far,

"Perhaps that bitch was yourself because we all know that you and Cara had a fling and you need whatever excuse you can get to see her and also, bitch seems like an adequate description of you." Everyone watches with baited breath as they see anger streak through the teens eyes as she lunges at the prick, sitting just in front of her, slapping him straight across the face with such a force he falls to the floor. It's a mistake, seeing as she's still in trouble after her last episode of violence/threatened violence but she doesn't care, storming away so she doesn't hurt anyone else. This time, no one bothers to go after her, leaving her to getting into even more trouble with no one to fight her cause as even Miss Swift doesn't approve of violence.

It's three pm, the icy starkness of earlier that day replaced by a crisp sunshine that beams, not making much difference to the temperature however. Karlie is sat on a bench outside, the only place that guarantees a low stream of people, only one eleven year old boy sprinting past in the last half an hour, clutching what looked to be a kit bag and heading towards the Aquatics centre without a glance in her direction. Perhaps I've become invisible, the brunette almost laughs, wondering why no one has come to find her even though she slapped that boy almost eight hours ago. Taking another drag of the cigarette she'd found in her bag, she blows the smoke out, suddenly feeling a gaping hole of emptiness. No one even cares enough to find her and ask her why. They're all probably gossiping about it without even asking her why. Everyone heard the comment he made: what the american doesn't know is that Cara had been mixing things up, telling people he didn't say a thing. Of course, even the people that heard are denying. Anything for Miss Delevingne. "Karlie." A voice drifts from the Sports Block, the toned figure of Taylor becoming more apparent as she speed walks closer, obviously not enjoying the cold as she's wrapped in a coat, scarf and knee high boots whereas the student is wearing a hoodie and jeans. It's some distance from the Sports Block to the bench that Karlie has been perched on, giving the teenager just enough time to stump out the poison stick and act like nothing suspicious is happening, sliding chewing gum in to mask the mucky smell. "Karlie," Taylor repeats, sitting by her students side this time, "I've looked all over for you." The girl shrugs. "Miss Aldridge wants to see you." Nodding, the brunette gets up soundlessly, loping inside without question, only wondering why the headteacher hadn't come to find her when the incident had occurred. The blonde follows, a concerned look worn at the younger girls refusal to argue or question. Asking if she's okay would be stupid though. Something has happened as she's never usually this subdued. They arrive at the office, the taller of the pair stepping aside so Taylor can go in first, shutting the door as soon as they're both inside and only giving a wan smile when she sees the ball of flames in the grate. Karlie does start to warm up as she stands by it, waiting for the brown haired teacher to give her instructions. "Sit," Miss Aldridge tells her, gesturing to the sofa by the fire. She does, back rigid. "Look Karlie, I'm not going to beat around the bush. Why did you slap him?"

"He called me a bitch and said that I was having a fling with Cara." Out of the corner of her eye, the model sees Taylor freeze momentarily before resuming a normal expression.

"We asked the class Karlie- they said he didn't say a thing." Instead of feeling anger at the apparent injustice, the teen feels nothing, letting her posture slump as she thaws through, only thinking about Kendall and then Cara, Cara and then Kendall. After everything, they've both betrayed her. So the model shrugs once more. "Slapping a fellow classmate isn't how things work around here," the principal starts to explain, "after the episode with me and now this, I'm putting you in isolation for a day. You can also spend any lessons you have with Cara in isolation, doing your work there, until you've apologised." Another lifeless shrug and Taylor knows things are really wrong.

"Karlie. Look at me," she commands, crouching down next to the student. Those stunning green eyes meet hers but instead of energy, a hopeless glaze has overtaken them. "You're acting weird, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," the tall girl insists.

"Is it isolation?"

A hollow laugh escapes the youngest girl then, "No. It's not like I have any friends to spend time with anyway." She pauses, green eyes flicking to meet Lily, "but you should know that I'm going to spend every lesson that I should have with Cara in isolation because I'm not apologising." The two teachers just look at eachother then, Lily finally getting that something is wrong here and that's some investigating needs to be done.

I don't even know if Karlie and Cara have a ship name but we have some action.
And of course...

CaKe (for you wrapped-in-light )

I know this doesn't have much going on in it but I PROMISE it contributes to the story.

Please also check out my other book ❤️ I know a lot of you have already but if you haven't, please read it x
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