"That's my name." Harry smiled.

"Harry Styles." Niall asked with a giggle.

"What's so funny?" The man replied.

"Nothing, it suits you." The pale boy smiled.

In that moment, each of them had an emotion flash in their eyes. The other couldn't tell what it was, but inside their own individual minds, they knew, they hoped, it was love.

"I'm not with Louis." Niall blurted.

The curly haired man looked at him in confusion.

"Earlier," Niall started, "you said something about couples fighting all the time. I just wanted you to know me and Louis aren't together."

Harry smirked, "that's good to know."

"Um," the younger boy started again, "you said you wanted to talk to me about Louis' and I PDA?" He asked.

"Just, keep it down to a minimum." Mr. Styles laugh.

Niall wrapped his arms around himself and looked down at his shoes. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that anymore." He mumbled. "You saw for yourself, him and I aren't exactly on good terms now."

"He'll come back." Mr. Styles smiled. "Trust me."



January 28th Saturday

Niall was lying down on his bed, scrolling through Tumblr. Saturday's were his lazy days. He was dressed in an oversized grey sweater, that belonged to Louis, with white booty socks on. His hair hugged his face naturally because he didn't feel like doing it that day.

"Niall!" His mother called from downstairs. "Louis' here to see you."

"Tell him I'm not home." Niall yelled back.

Maura opened his bedroom door, "too late." She smiled, leaving Louis standing in the door way.

Niall was frustrated with his mother, she always did things her son didn't like.

Niall moved his laptop to his nightstand and sat up on the bed.

"You don't look too happy to see me." Louis replied nervously.

"Maybe because the last time we talked you called me a whiny bitch." Niall remarked, glaring at the brunette.

"Listen, I'm so sorry." Louis began crawling on the bed, so he sat in front of Niall. "I was being a dick and I have no good excuse or explanation for it."

"Then what are you doing here?" Niall interrupted. "If you can't tell my why you acted that way, then leave."

"Please." Louis begged, tears forming in his eyes. "Niall I don't want to not talk to you. I need you Niall. A day without you is like...it's like." Louis tried, getting frustrated.

He got up quickly and grabbed Niall's guitar from the corner of the room.

"I wrote something for you." The older boy said, sitting back down.


Louis began playing a beautiful ballad before he started singing.

"So your friends been telling me,
You've been sleeping with my sweater.
And you can't stop missing me."

He sang smiling, looking at the sweater Niall is wearing.

"Bet my friends been telling you
I'm not doing much better.
Cause I'm missing half of me."

Niall's eyes already began to water.

"And being here without you is like I'm waking up to
Only half a blue sky, kinda there but not quite.
I'm walking 'round with just one shoe.
I'm half a heart without you."

Louis was pouring out his entire heart into this song. He didn't want to lose Niall so he did what he thought he had to do, to win him back.

"Forget all we said that day
No it doesn't even matter.
Cause we both got split in two."

Niall forgot how great of singer Louis was.

As soon as the song was over and Louis put down the guitar Niall pounced on him.

"I forgive you." He cried into his friends chest. "I love you so much."

Louis' heart jumped hearing that. "I love you to." He smiled pulling Niall closer to his chest. "I love you more than you could ever imagine." He whisper into the blonde's hair.


Well, Nouis is in the lead, but Narry is coming real soon (;
Love you babes.
Comment cause I love reading your comments so much. 😍
Stay beautiful my babies.

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