~Chapter 2~

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~Chapter 2~

"Who are you?" I asked picking myself up off the ground.

"Well I'm the Lady of Winter. Your sister silly! But just call me Elena." she said before speaking again.

"Awe, no one ever told you huh? But we have a sister named Leigh who is the Lady of Summer, and brother who's is the Lord of Fall. His name is Clark."

"Uh...." I said.

"Oh, ya and there coming tomorrow! We have been looking for you since you were born!"

"Um well that's great, it was nice to meet you, but I got to go! You see its my birthday tomorrow and the whole garden is having-"

"The whole garden?! You mean there's more people?" She asked excited.

"No. There animals.....And why are you dressed like a snow flake?" I asked.

"I'm not a snow flake I'm Lady Elena!" She said making snow flakes and ice fly every where.

"OKAY YOU'RE NOT A SNOW FLAKE!! I TAKE IT BACK!!!" I yelled diving into a bush.

"And what's up with you? Your all barefoot and green." she said putting her had on her hip. I climbed back out out of the bush.

"I don't like shoes!" I said looking at my feet then back up at her.

"Why?" Elena asked.

"There heavy and hard to walk in and.... I don't have any." I said.

"Oh okay..."

"So uh like where are you staying...?" asked.

"With you silly!" She said as if I already knew the answer.

"Uh... Okay I guess..." I said.

I turned and walked down the rugged path to my house.

"Hey um don't you like every stop bouncing?" I asked opening the door to my house.

"Nope!" she said giggling.

It was at the base of a tree ad trunk was the door. The house went up the long and hollow tree. Balconies went around the outside of the tree every floor. There was plenty or room considering the tree was the biggest in the garden.

"So um do you want any thing to drink?" I asked wiping my feet.

"No I'm okay. So how far does this garden go?" Elena asked.

"Forever. As far as I know. But there are some weird plants behind the church that every one stays clear of." I said sitting on one of the green couches.

"THAT'S HOW I GOT HERE!" My sister exclaimed.

"What?!?! But that's to dangerous! How did you even get 15 feet close to it?" I asked curiously.

"I'm Lady Winter. Its just a barrier for all the little critters. They can only pass with the permission of the Lord. But since I'm Lady Elena I can come and go as much as I please."

I thought about the scar on my right ankle.

"Last time I went anywhere those monsters I almost lost my leg." I said.

"That's because you never knew about your true life!'' she exclaimed.

"But any ways, what powers do you have?" she asked.

"What powers?" I asked thinking this was all a dream.

"You know! POWERS! I can make every thing snow just at the snap of my fingers! So, what can you do?" She asked.

"Nothing..." I said sadly.

"Uh.. Okay... Try... Make a plant grown in the pot!" she said pointing to an empty plant pot on the kitchen table.

"That takes time... You need to plant the seed, water it every day and it needs sunlight. It needs time to grow." I explained.

"Ya but you are the Lord of Spring, you should have the power to make things grow! And healing... And, and, and can't you fly?" Elena asked tilting her head slightly to the left.

"What kind of question is that? Can't you fly?" I asked.

"Well of course I can! So can Brother Clark!" she said.

"What about Leigh?" I asked.

"No one sees her... Well we do, but not much..." she said in deep thought.

"Oh well no I can't fly." I said.

"I can! Wanna see?" she asked.

"Uh... Sure." I said. Light blue, icy wings came from her back.

"See!" she said. She hovered above the ground before flying up the stairs and back down. Her wings were quiet small for her body, but they still kept her afloat.

"See. Now you try. Just concentrate on your back and see if anything happens." she said floating a bit higher.

I stood in the middle of kitchen and closed my eyes. I concentrated on my back and spine.

"Try slowing down your breathing a bit, calm you body." Elena explained.

After about 10 minutes of this I opened my eyes.

"Its no use!" I exclaimed.

"Is it?" Elena asked.

Elena hovered over to me and poked something behind me.

"See. You have had them since you closed you eyes. Your a natural." she said smiling.

"Wow. I guess I am.." I said.

"Ive never seen those kind of wings... There like made out of... Black feathers. But any ways, now try to fly. The trick is to hover first." she said.

I moved the black feathery wings up and down until they picked up the pace. I took a little jump and when I i was as high as that leap would take me, I stop. And hovered.

"See its not that hard. Now try moving forward." Elena said.

I did as instructed.

Before I knew it I was flying fast and as high as the trees was.

I stopped at the bottom floor to catch my breath.

"Hey, the four Legendary Lords and Ladies are supposed to journey out to our parents palace. Clark has the legendary book. After tomorrow we are all going to go search for a our parents palace. Your supposed to come. We need all four of us to unlock the palace doors." Elena explained.

"Okay but can I bring James and-" I was cut off.

The door burst open and there stood James and Iris.

"LORD LUKE!" James exclaimed.

"WERE BEING INVADED!" Iris yelled.


WHOOP! A cliff hanger! Aren't I good at those?

The Garden Keeper.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang