3rd April 1915

42 1 0

The boat landed today. Some place called Egypt, I think they said. Apparently, we were supposed to have sailed to England to finish training, then go to the Western Front in France and Belgium. But we ended up here in Egypt instead. That's a long way from home. And the ride hadn't gone to smoothly. We had been attacked by a German warship while in the middle of the ocean but had managed to get away.

They say that training will continue tomorrow in the desert. We have to do a lot of running and practice shooting. Kaelin's started to get the hang of holding a gun and he's got real talent at aiming and hitting targets. Jett's more of a runner than a shooter, but he does try. I'm not having much luck at either of them. And Jett won't stop making fun of me about it. There also might be a lot of footy in store once we finish at the end of the day.

We have to leave to Gallipoli in about 3 weeks. That's in Turkey, if you didn't know. I think they said that the plan was to take the Dardanelles, but I'm not sure why. Something about Russia, I think. And before you make fun of me for not knowing anything, no one does. The generals won't tell us anything except that we have to help England.

Honestly, I've changed. I'm not the excited 25 year old I was a few weeks ago. I think I'm starting to regret joining. I don't like the vibe that's being set by the generals. And not understanding what we're doing is driving me up the wall. I miss home.

Look at me. Wanting to go home and we haven't even started yet. I'm such a crybaby.

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