四。knight in shining armor

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He threw himself down his bed as a beam of happiness spread across his face, his gaze shining ever so brightly with a heart banging chest.
He clutched his shirt on the left side and feeling his own heartbeat that was rather faster than the lightening, he knew that his chance has finally come and couldn't help, but anticipate for the next day to come...


I groan out in annoyance as a sharp sound of the alarm sounded loudly through the room, slightly interupting my beauty sleep and awaken me from the perfect dream I was having. Stretching out my arm over at the night stand to find the beeping thing, I punched it to silence and tossed around my body to try to continue on the dream. However, it was only a matter of three seconds when the door suddenly knocked.

Noona, there is someone waiting for you in the living room...❞ Ryuwon's sleepy voice was heard through my door and without waiting for my reply, he dragged himself back to his room, probably still half sleeping.

I let out a loud sigh and forced my eyes open. What kind of asshole is visiting people in the middle of the morning, I thought and getting up with another groan, I dragged my feet over the cold floor and headed downstairs to see who this person could be.
At this point I couldn't careless how shitty I looked right now and was just freaking annoyed that someone can be so stupid and come by at this time of the morning ーand, to the fact that it's an early morning at that. Nevertheless, as soon as I set my feet at the first floor, I suddenly became wide awake as I could smell the familiar scent of perfume from a long way. My heart skipped a beat at the attractive smell and feeling my nerves knitting, I slowly snuck over to the bookshelf in the hallway outside the living and hid, before peeking inside.

My eyes roamed the whole room, in every nook and cranny, but strangely, there was no one there. Coming to the conclusion that Ryuwon might be messing with me, just to have me cranky before school because he finds it very amusing, I scowled and turned my head to face the stairwell before glaring towards his room.

❝What is the point with this?!❞ I whispered out loud in disrelief, but just then, I nearly pissed my pants when I feel a hand on my shoulder and a whisper beside my earー
❝What is the point of what, Rina?❞

Instantly turning around and almost threw a punch at something that I thought was a ghost, the person immediately backed away and dodged my punch with an amused grin on his face, as my face turned red at once.
I take back what I said about how I looked, because at this very moment, I really wish that a fairy could just appear and magically make me look pretty.

Right before my eyes was no other than my freaking hot, good looking, ever so handsome and very attractive childhood buddy, Lee Taeyong.


The time struck 07:13 AM and as though his life was about to be taken by some sort of a deadly creature, Jimin was running so fast and was completely out of breath just to make it to school in time. And sure enough, he arrived only one minute just before the bell rung ー07:14 AM.

   ❝Congrats, Jimin, you made it!❞ Taehyung shouted rather mockingly at his buddy and smacked his back, when he noticed that Jimin came storming into the building. Shortly after Jungkook appeared as well, with an amused laughー
   ❝Why the rush, hyung? You don't usually care, even if you're two or three hours late. What's the reason you're early out today?❞
❝None of your business.❞ He replied in annoyance and threw both of them a death glare, as his breath was slowly becoming more steady. ❝I gotta get to Music class in time, see ya later...❞ And after that said he dashed off again, left both Jungkook and Taehyung confused at his sudden strange behavior.

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