二。keep it cool

Start from the beginning

   ❝Why are you so nice to me?❞ was the the next thing I could utter out, dabbing my face with the cloth he had just handed me.
❝Why not?❞ he shrugs, the corner of his lips forming a tiny smile.

After a little while both of us became quiet again, but he would make sure to leave no teary stains on my face and wiped them away pretty often now and then. I would have generally been annoyed by now of how much he was actually touching my face but surprisingly, I felt rather restful.
However, when he suddenly realized his own behavior and action the guy suddenly froze up and shortly after that, he slowly pulled his hand away from me and sheepishly glanced down at his feet.

❝Sorry...❞ He said, seemingly ashamed and embarrassed of himself.
❝Why are you apologizing?❞ I asked. My question came out a little too blunt and I subconsciously gave him a glare ー which made him flinch for a second. But then, he automatically loosen up and replied,
❝You know... for acting so inappropriatedly. Like, when I suddenly pulled you into a hug back in the hallway because I thought it would make you feel, at least, a little better ー which was very stupid of me; and following after you all the way here, even though, you have been trying to brush me off; up until now... I'm still here and I don't even know why. Beside of that, we don't even know each other at all ー or at least, you have no idea who I am.❞

I'm not gonna lie that I really don't know who he is and why he followed after me, even skipped classes just to stay here for hours and doing nothing at that ー I wanted to be alone and emo all for myself, but honestly I really appreciate his company. I might not know him, but knowing that he cares, somehow, was actually pretty comforting. This all sounds so cheesy and heck, there is no way I'm going to say that directly to him.

❝Then leave already. I never wanted you to be here anyway.❞ I snapped and turned away from him.
❝Eh...? But I can't just leave you here alone! What if you start crying again? No one will be here to wipe those tears away...❞
His reply took me by surprise and I was speechless of his words. Why would he say something like that anyway? He is talking like it's the end of the world, if I start crying again ー which is overly exaggerated.

❝Heh. You are seriously a weirdo...❞ I couldn't help but chuckle at him and his silliness. But for some reason, he gave me a dumbfounded look and blinked a few times before speaking,
❝What was that just now?❞ He asked out of the blue, making me confused.

❝What was what?❞
❝You smiled just now, didn't you?❞
❝What-- I did not...❞
❝Of course you did! I saw it.❞
❝Don't be stupid, I didn't smile at all.❞
❝Oh but you just did. And I made you smile~❞

The weirdo got up from the swing and started to jump around in joy like a little kid. It was tempting to break out a big grin because of his ridiculously childish behavior but I forced myself to keep it cool and remained a straight face. However, I lost it when he suddenly ran over to a round climbing motion equipment that soon begun to spin round and round when he took a grip on it, before shouting out loud that he was the reason I smiled.
I don't know why, but I found it rather corny and cute at the same time.


Later in the evening when the sun slowly sunk down the horizon as the sky dimmed into a colorful scenery, I decided to head home before it gets dark outside. I was hoping for some real alone time to collect myself together when I leave the park but regretfully, I, somehow, ended up with the same weirdo walking me home.
By the time he couldn't stop blabbering about whatever he was on about ー which I didn't paid attention to even for a second and he was rather getting on my nerves ー I learned two things. One- his name was Jimin. Two- we actually have PE and music classes together, which was sort of surprising because I have never noticed him before. Ever.

❝ー... so eventually he told me that I've got no jams, and my other friends have been teasing me non-stop about it since then.❞ I had no idea what he was telling me about just now, but that was certainly the only thing I caught up with so far. Something about that he got no jams or whatever.
Not giving the least damn about his lame story, I halt at my steps in front of him when I have reached my destination and because I suddenly stopped walking, Jimin crashed into me.

❝What's wrong?❞ He asked while scratching his head in confusion and took a step back.
❝I live here. You can go now, shooshoo...❞ I waved him off with my hand and turned to the apartment bulding, but before I could walk off and finally get some piece, a hand grabbed my wrist.

❝Wait...!❞ Jimin said abruptly and spun me around. ❝Uhh...❞
❝What?❞ I roll my eyes in return and frowned at him.
Gently releasing his grip around my wrist, he seemed to be anxious about something as his expression suddenly turned serious. Nevertheless, he start to search for something in his pocket and after a few seconds, he pulled out something. Grabbing my wrist once again, he stuffed the blue handkerchief that he used on me earlier in my hand and sheepishly smiled without looking at me.

❝Keep this.❞ He said faintly, barely audible but I caught it, ❝In case you're gonna cry again, sooner or later ー you can use it to dry off your tears.❞
❝Okay...❞ I think my heart just skipped a beat of what he just said, but that was my answer to him as I didn't really know what to reply. It was so sudden and unexpected, and it was kind of weird that his personality could change so fast. He was just being so bothersome and childish just now, and suddenly he acted like a mature and normal person.
Nonetheless, after that he waved and bid me goodbye before heading off to his own home, acting like nothing just happened and left me confused.
I stayed where I stood for a little while longer and watched as he disappeared into the distance, feeling kind of funny and weird at the same time.

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