Time to say bye

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Kirstie pov
The reason why I told Mitch those words were because of my dad. My step dad. He will take me to somewhere I don't know. I am afraid. But I am not telling Mitch that. I don't want Mitch to worry bout me. My step dad growled to me that he will take me next week.

K: where....where am I going?

He slapped me hard.

KD: No need for that.

I was hurt. I missed Mitch. So I got ready and stopped by his house.
I knocked and Mitch opened the door.

Mitch pov
I was surprised to see Kirst. Her eyes were puffy and her cheek was swollen a little.

M: What happened?

Instead of an answer, she sobbed. S k I hugged her and calmed her down. I brought her to the couch and asked her.

M: What's wrong babe?
K: It's just......
M: Babe I can help. Tell me.
K: Mitch.... Please be aware that I will always love you no matter what. My heart will never change. Also..... please help when it's needed. Please....
M: What do you mean....?
K: I can't stay longer. Just remember... I always love you.
M: Kirstie.....

Then she walked out.

M: Kirstie wait!!

She opened her car window a little.

M: Please tell me what's going on.
K: I... I can't.... Bye Mitch

She smiled a little. But her smile was made with bitterness and pain. What's wrong...?

Kirstie pov
My mom was crying. My step dad got my luggage and he drove me to somewhere far. We drived for like 5 hours. Then we arrived at a weird looking building. Then some scary looking man pushed me into a room filled with girls. I had no idea what was going on. So I asked one of them.

K: What is going on.?.?
G: Don't you know? You are sold!!
K: What do you mean by sold...?
G: They bought you!!
K: Oh my god.
G: If you are lucky, you can be the princess but there's a huge chance that you will become a sex slave.
K: What is a princess...?

Then the door slammed open. Two scary looking men came in. They turned on the light. They whispered to each other. Then they lined us up. The girl I was talking to mouthed something to me.

G: Please remember... you can survive. My name is Lisa. Don't loose hope.

What the... Then a men came by me and asked if I was Kirstin Maldonado. So I nodded my head. He told me that his boss wanted me. I was so scared. Then the men roughly pulled me out and we got in the elevator. He clicked the top floor. What is happening...? I was scared to hell. Then we arrived at the top floor. The boss looking man was sitting at a chair facing the window.

M: Well.. Well Isn't she Kirstin

I recognized the voice.

K: Ethan?
E: Oh remember me?
K: Ethan this is wrong. You should stop!!
E: How dare you try to teach me.

He slapped me hard. I saw him with deadly glares.

E: Well isn't my poor Kirstin being naughty?

He slapped me hard again.

E: I can do much worse thing. Remember I am the boss here.

I spit on his shoes. Then he grabbed my hair and pulled me up. He kissed me roughly and slapped me again. My lips were busted.

E: If you be a good girl, I will treat you nicely.

He slapped me again and I lost my consciousness

Mitch pov
I was worried about Kirstie. So I drove to Kirstie's house right after she left. When I arrived there was only Mrs. Maldonado crying.

M: What's wrong Mrs. Maldonado?
KM: Oh Mitch... Before he comes... Please help my daughter. He... He sold her to a gang.
M: A gang?
KM: Yes.Please... Please.... help.

When I heard those words, I ralized why Kirstie said those words. Sh*t. I am going to find her. I am. But where? How?

Kirstie pov
I woke up on a bed. I was chained to a pole. I felt miserable. Then a well dressed guy came up on me. He told me to call him Ben.

B: Ms. Maldonado My boss want me to get you dress you and make yourself comfortable.
K: How can I get comfortable when I am chained?
B: I am sorry ma'am.
K: It's fine. It's not your fault.
B: There are some dress that my boss got in the closet. Pick one and change. I will be outside. When you are done, call me.
K: Thanks.

Chain was long enough for me to walk around the room. It was big and beautiful. Then I opened the closet. There were some dresses. My clothes were dirty with dust and blood. So I pulled out a grey one amd changed. Then I called Ben.

B: If you are done, I will style your hair.

He had a great taste. Soon my hair looked pretty.

K: Ben.... What is going on with me?
B: Well...
K: How many girls passed this before me?
B: A few. But he nevered cared someone as much as you. I hope you survive from him. I really do.
K: What do you mean by survive?
B: Well.... most of them committed suicide.
K: Oh...
B: You will be deserved as a princess in the gang. So you will stay well eat well. But many girls killed themselves.
K: Thanks Ben.

Ben told me that Ethan will meet me at night. He told me to not violate him. I missed Mitch. When can I get out of this hell...? Ben told me that I can take walks in the garden behind the building. He gave me a hat and he unlocked the chain. He held on to the chain. When I got outside there were some beautiful flowers. Ben gave me a hat.

K: Thanks Ben.

My ankle was sore. The chain was too heavy for me. So I limped a little. Ben looked worried. Then he knelt out and unlocked my chain.

K: Is it okay..?
B: Until we get caught.

Ben grinned a little. I guess I have someone on my side in this hell. I wandered in the limited area of freedom. I felt twars coming out.

B: What... What's wrong?
K: I misa my mom so much. I miss my boyfriend too.... What is today's date?
B: It's July 17th.
K: Oh so it has been 3 days since I got here.
B: Yes.

Why is this happening to me...?


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