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Jiin pov
I didn't know what to do actually. He looked so cute so I just pulled him in. And fyi I am not gonna have sex with him cuz I am not a slut. However Scott looked nervous/relaxed when he entered. It was just cute.

J: So....?
S: Umm....
J: You can leave if you want to. I forgive you.
S: No No... It's just that...
J: Spill noodle.
J: Slower please.
S: I think I like you and I hope that you will be my girlfriend. But it's okay if you say no.
J: Oh my god...
S: Will you...?
J: Of course!!

Then he quickly hugged me.

S: Thank you.
J: I love you.
S: I love you too.

He chuckled a little when he let me go. Then he said he should leave. So I said bye and Scott left. Oh my god. Scott is my boyfriend. I did like him at high school but I gave away cuz he loved Kirstie too much. Wow...

Scott pov
Yeahhhhh! I am so glad. I got a girl friend!!!

Kirstie pov
Mitch and I were having some real good quality time. It was great. But Scott ran in ruining the mood.

K: Scott!!
S: Sorry for interrupting your makeout session but I have a big news.
K.M: What is it.?
S: I have a girl friend.
M.K.: What???!! Who stile noodle's heart?
S: It's Jiin.
M.K: The Jiin from high school?
S: Yup.
M.K: Oh my gosh. Congrats!
S: Thanks

I was so happy for Scott. Jiin suits him well. I guess we can have double date!!! However tomorrow, I can finally go home. Mitch said he will drive me home. I am so excited.

The next day.....

Mitch pov
I was ready to take Kirstie back home. I decided to move out from Scott's house. To give him some privacy with his girlfriend. When Kirstie got in the car, she was happier than ever. It was great to see her like that. But I realized her smile fading after she looked at her wrist. There were scars.

M: I love you no matter what.
K: Aww.... Thanks
M: By the way, we are home !
K: Yay!

When I came in to the house, I saw some blood stain. So I asked Kirstie to stay out.

K: Why?
M: Just! Please get out!
K: You didn't have to scream at me.
M: Sorr...Sorry.
K: ......

She walked back into the car without saying anything. Then I locked the door of her house and started to clean the bloods. Tears came running down as I cleaned it. I was so sorry. I did this to her. And she still loves me. I love her so much.

M: Kirst you can come now.

She didn't reply but when she saw my tear stained face, she looked worried.

K: What'a wrong hon?
M: I am sorry.
K: Seriously you don't have to be. I am the one who started it.
M: I am sorry.

I started to sob out loudly.

K: Oh come on.(hugging me)
M: I am sorry
K: You don't have to be.
M: Sorry for not being a good boyfriend.
K: You are the best boyfriend I ever had and will have.
M: Thank you.

Kirstie pov
I realized small stains of blood on the floor. I guess Mitch cleaned it up. I saw all the decorations in the house. I have to clean that up some how. But I went up my room and got my sweater even though it was hot in the house. I wanted to cover my scars. They were hideous.

M: what's up with the sweater?
K: Just....

As I slowly reached my sleeve, Mitch caught my hand which was pretty painful. I yelped in pain.

K: Oww....
M: Oops. Sorry
K: It's fine.

Then he rolled up my sleeves showing the scars. I quickly rolled them down. Mitch looked upset.

M: Kirstie....
K: They look hideous. Please.
M: No they don't!! Let it go!
K: No please!! It's ugly.

I was crying and Mitch was tearing up too. Then he knelt down.

M: Please.... Please Kirstie.... It kills me to watch you like that.
K: I am sorry..... I won't.. Please stand up.

Mitch slowly stood up and kissed me. I slowly kissed back. I felt loved.

At Scott house.....

Scott pov
I was texting Jiin. Then Jiin asked how Kirstie was. Shoot. I forgot it was her go-back-home day. I am so firgetful. So I quickly got my keys and drove to Kirstie's apartment. When I enteres the house, there were sounds of moaning. Ooh Some make out sessions are going on! So I shouted out loud.

S: Is there anyone except a moaning couple?!!

Then I heard some bustling and Mitch and Kirstie ran down only with their night gowns on. It was cute.

S: Oh hi?
K: Scoottie
M: Thank you for ruining our s-
K: Shut up Mitchell
S: Ha Ha Ha. Sorry but I just stopped by to check on Kirstie. How are you?
K: Fine
S: Kay. I will leave have 'fun'
K: Scott!!!!

I chuckled then ran out. They are such a cute couple.

Mitch pov
After our little 'fun', we were just chillin' in our bed. Kirstie was snuggling by my side when I was scrolling down my twitter. There was some comments about us. I loved the Mirstie shippers. They are always super nice. Then I saw Kirstie snuggling more. She was so cute so I kissed her forhead and said I love you. Kirstie smiled. It was a very peaceful time.

K: Mitchie....
M: Yes babe
K: Can we have a party?
M: Why?
K: It was your birthday and you didn't got a party.
M: Hmm.....
K: Please...?
M: Fine. I will call the ptx crew and some friends.
K: Yay! I will get ready.

Sorry for the short chapter. Idk how I should continue. However is smut okay fir you guys? Please leave comments. If there aren't I won't write smuts cuz I suck at those.

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