"Randy told Beverly who told Willis who told Janet who told Daniel who-" I groan and stop her, "Who let me guess...who told you?" I ask finishing.

"Actually no. Daniel who told Heather who told Valerie.... Who then told me?" she said smiling and sitting on my desk as I signed into my account on my Mac computer. "And you're sure this is true?" I ask her, to be honest I completely honest, I really didn't care, but her rattling conversation was strangely making me feel better. Besides the entire staff was like a group of high school kids, always spreading rumors and it was fun to hear about. "We were just talking about it in the lounge. Besides she always acts like this when she's been stood up." That was true. "Are you sure it isn't that Utah Hotel business guy that's coming?" I insist. My MacBook wouldn't open. The password must've been changed.

"Why would it be? Although, I did hear that we're getting a new manager," she spills and I almost leap with joy. "You mean Ms. Newmort is leaving?" I exclaim. My day just might have gotten better!

"No, basically like her right hand man, literally and I hear he is like a gorgeous piece of man." I dampen at the thought of having her still around. My day instantly returned back to shitty extreme. "Where did you hear this?" I ask wildly at her, still struggling to log in. "Phoebe told-"

"Never mind. When does the meeting start?" I ask, sighing and looking down at my shirt. "In 20 minutes, oh, and another spill, don't worry, I have a pink flowered chiffon top that would match your pencil skirt. I have it in my office!" she tells me.

And this is why Amy was my best friend.

* * * *

After changing my shirt and being yelled at by my irritating and dateless boss, I made it just in time to meet at a long table with a group of men. The room smelt of fresh apples and I seated myself close next to Ms. Newmort. Which reminded me, once again...I forgot to eat against this morning. In a way, I didn't forget, I just simply passed the idea.

All of the men were quite older but didn't look too bad for their age. Not that I was looking anyways. And I was sure as hell they weren't looking at me. "Good morning Mr. Carter. Pleasure to see you again." Ms. Newmort says, sitting back in her chair, as I scoot next to her with my notebook and pen out. Mr. Carter was a very attractive older man; his eyes were a deep dark brown, highlighted by perfect eyebrows. I noticed the wedding band on his ring finger and I smiled.

You can take the toilet paper out of your bra now Ms. Newmort he's married!

"Good morning, well let's not dilly-dally, I have another meeting at 9 so let's make this quick." Gee, Mr. Carter was a busy man and didn't play around. Maybe I should go work for him in the middle of nowhere in Utah...

"Very well, shall we discuss details?" Ms. Newmort flashes back, showing her fake smile that she doesn't even try to show to me.


I didn't even understand why I was here if all they needed to do was sign the contract? "I have my brightest and most successful assistant manager in exchange for just a quart of your oil." Just a quart? This man better be good. Mr. Carter continues, "My son, Elliot Carter Jr majored in business and finance with a minor in entrepreneurship." A younger man then stands to his feet, his dark brown-feathered hair brushed across his face. Eyes deep and dark just like his fathers, with perfectly shaped eyebrows. He was surely a very 'gorgeous piece of man' as Amy stated earlier today. Maybe even better... Ms. Newmort took a liking to him, more than I did.

"A 2 year contracts with Mr. Elliot Carter in an exchange? Sounds moral enough," My already plotting boss mumbled. "If you will forgive me, but I always work with a personal assistant. It helps me execute my imposition." Mr. Elliot Carter Jr says. His voice is deep and powerful and holds intimidation. It makes me frown.

Possession (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now