Chapt. 4: Spin the bottle

Start from the beginning

Stacie was obvious familiar with the game.

Beca and Emily - not so much.

Beca didn't go to parties in highschool or had crushes in middle school. She was probably the most boring person you'd ever meet.

Emily just never found dating interesting, she was more interested in science, butterfly's, unicorns, etc.

Chloe had to explained to them what the game was.

"Okay so, you take a bottle and place it in the middle of the circle. One person will spin the bottle, and whoever the bottle lands on you have to kiss them-"

"On the lips or cheek?" Beca butted in.


"Why don't we just hug them." Emily said confusingly.

"Because you-"

"Because we're in college and in college you do things for enjoyment." Stacie blurted out, kinda irritated with the fact that Emily and Beca were basically prudes.

"Well what if we don't enjoy it?"

"You will, trust me."

Chloe ended up going over next door to John Youncins room. Knowing him, he'd always have empty beer bottles.

"I'll go first." Stacie said.

Stacie spun the bottle and it landed on Chloe. She got up and pecked Chloe like it was nothing.

Chloe then spun, and it landed on... Stacie.  She then got up and pecked Stacie.

Stacie spun the bottle and it landed on - Emily. What a coincidence.

Stacie sensually turned her head towards a blushing Emily.

"Wait. I've never kissed anyone before."

"That's even better."

Stacie scooted closer to Emily and cupped her face, pulling her closer.

"So since its your first kiss, I'll make it unforgettable." Stacie said, not intentionally trying to sound sexy, but she managed to do it.

"Okay." Emily whispered, letting a little smile hang off her lips.

Stacie held Emily's cheeks, pulling Emily closer each breath. Emily wasn't sure what to do with her hands so, she let them sit on Stacie's thighs.

Stacie locked eyes with Emily and pressed their lips together, calmly bitting down on Emily's lower lip. Emily, accidentally, deepened the embrace by moving her hands up to Stacie's neck. They gonna finally pulled apart; out of breath.



Emily spun the bottle, it landed on Chloe, she kissed Chloe. Game went on. For a while the game only consisted of Chloe Emily and Stacie. It didn't bother Beca because she didn't really wanna play anyway.

"This isn't fair to Beca, she hasn't kissed anyone yet." Chloe grieved.

"No I'm fine, kissing someone really isn't a priority."

Chloe was going to say something back, but instead, she studied Beca's body language and how she was sitting. Also how her tone of voice was when she was responding to Chloe's previous plead.

"Oh my god."


"You've never kissed anyone either!"

"What!?" Stacie yelled, disappointed in herself for not acknowledge that trait first.

"What? No, I've kissed plenty of people."

"Name one."

"J- R- myyyy- mom."

"C'mon, you'll have your first kiss with me." Chloe said, slithering closer to Beca.

"Really, I'm fine."

Chloe was already invading Beca's personal bubble and she wasn't gonna back down.

She littered tutored Beca on how to kiss.

"Put your hands here."

Chloe grabbed Beca's wrist and placed them at her sides.

Chloe them cupped Beca's cheeks, (just like Stacie did) and pulled them a little closer.

"Now when you kiss someone, you usually want a romantic one - unless your about to have sex."

Stacie choked on her water, hearing how Chloe was explaining this.




Chloe pulled Beca a little closer; she was able to feel Beca's breath across her lips.

Before Chloe could connect their lips, there was a knock at the door. Beca jumped to her feet to answer it. It was Leo.

"Hey Beca, Emily in?"


Beca stepped back letting Emily talk to Leo.

"It's getting pretty late, I'ma crash. It's pretty late you guys should stay over." Beca offered as she plopped down on her bed.

"We were gonna kiss."

"Maybe another time." Beca said as her eyes fluttered closed and she fell asleep.

I know it's late (it's late for me it's like almost 11) but I finished the chapter and wanted to update ASAP. OMG BECHLOE ALMOST KISSED!!?? what do you guys think will happen next.
You can also leave suggestions if you want.

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