A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes- Part 2

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A/N: I really struggled writing this. Not only was there a lot of death, but in this chapter I tried a new writing style, attempting to make it feel more "dreamlike". Please comment your thoughts on the tone of Nya's dream and don't forget to vote for this chapter! Thanks!

Nya's P.O.V.

Jay is mumbling in his sleep. There is a terrified expression on his elfish features that scares me. "Nya! Don't do this!" he says, twitching. I wonder what he thinks I'm doing. Deciding he's probably having a bad dream, I turn over and will myself to sleep. Slowly, I feel my eyelids grow heavy...

Something is wrong.

Kai went into the kitchen and didn't come out. Now we know why. Blood. That's all there is, blood. Pooling on the floor, filling in the gaps between the tiles, soaking the front of Kai's shirt, blending in with his outfit. His throat has a long, thin cut on it. And his heart is laying on the floor next to him. Kai's hazel eyes are blank and glazed over, with none of his fire still behind them. He is gone.

The hallway is dim, with only small lamps to light it. It's hard to see. The walls seem to be closing in, suffocating me. My feet hit something. The thing is Skylor. Her throat is slashed, a messier cut than Kai. Her heart rests in the inward curve of her body, between her legs and her chest. Her face is made into a grimace of intense pain. There's no use trying to save her. She's dead.

It's late at night and the TV is still on. The voices from a funny movie watched many times float through the ship. It's too loud. The living room is unlit, besides the flickering television. One of the characters says something that usually makes me laugh. Not tonight. There are Zane and Pixal. His head is lolled to the side, she is slumped forward onto her knees. Littered across the floor are their ripped up wires. The TV turns off, and the room is left in darkness.

Lloyd was in the training room. His body still is. Weapons are scattered around the room. Blood is scattered around him. There's a sort of joy in the randomness of it, like whoever killed Lloyd was having fun. His heart is torn out like the rest. His throat cut. His green eyes still wide open with fear. A single tear rests on his cheek, without a strong enough gravitational pull to make it slide down. Scratched around Lloyd in the wood floor are words: child, failure, idiot, whiny. Unloved.

Jay is nowhere. No sounds fill the desolate hall. There is nothing to do but wander aimlessly until there's something to find. Jay's workshop. Everything is destroyed. Shattered glass and ruined machine parts are thrown around the floor. A deep, dark laugh comes from all around, echoing, making the floor vibrate. A black figure materializes in front of me. It's bony but muscular, with long, clawlike fingers, and sinewy wings. Its skin is ghostly white and its shaggy dark hair is slick and razor sharp. The creature looks up and its eyes are black caves. Its chiseled jawline and handsome features are familiar.


He says nothing, just gives a malicious smile. With a snap of his talons, Jay is in his grasp, gasping for breath with an expression of pure terror on his face. Cole opens his mouth and speaks. "Jay is such a nuisance, don't you think?" He says. "So annoying and loud. Don't you ever wish he would shut up?" Jay tries to shake his head and Cole uses one fingernail to make a long, thin cut at Jay's throat. "He told me once I had ripped out his heart and stomped on it. And you know, I think that's exactly what I'm going to do." Jay's eyes grow wide with fear and he uses his last ounces of strength to struggle against Cole's death grip.

With one swift moment, the talons pierce through Jay's clothing, skin and bones. Cole brings out his bleeding heart. His fingers let go and drop the heart to the ground at his feet. Then, Cole lifts up one foot and brings it down hard on the organ. Jay drops to the floor dead as Cole grinds it in with the toe of his boot.

"You love me, Nya. You may say I'm a monster but you still love me. Jay will be gone soon enough, as will everyone else. It will be just you and me, and we can do anything!" Cole says to me with passion. "We will have everything. All you have to do is stop fighting me."

I look at his bloodstained hands and Jay's corpse on the floor.

"Never." I say.

"You were always stubborn." He says.

I jolt awake.

It was just a dream.

I feel someone else in the room and swivel my head to catch Jay staring at me before looking away.

"Why were you watching me?" I ask him, pushing myself up into a sitting position.

"You were having a nightmare." He replies with big eyes.

Something catches my attention out of the corner of my eye. Turning my head back to the wall opposite the bed, I see something scratched into the paint.

A dream is a wish your heart makes.

Love, Cole

No One's P.O.V.

In Cole's room, Kai also jolted awake.

And panicked.

Cole was gone.

Sometime in the night, Kai had fallen asleep. And now he had to go tell everyone he had lost Cole.

This was great, just great.

Groaning, Kai shuffled out of the room, going to tell the others the bad news.

He didn't see the black creature pressed against a corner of the ceiling, watching Kai leave and chuckling to himself.

Cole was free. And he was ready to spill blood.

He was ready to get Nya.

The Black-Hearted Ninja (The Dark Triangle #1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz