I pull her back spinning her past me until she is once again further away.

Darling, don't be afriad I have loved you

I pull her close to me again, spinning her into my arms.

For a thousand years.

Isabella laughs that bell-like laugh and I smile instantly.

I'll love you for a thousand more.

We dance around the kitchen, the only light if from the kitchen fridge.

Time stands still.

I cannot keep my eyes off her.

Beauty is all she is.

Her smile is so mesmerizing.

I will not let anything take away.

My grip on her waist tightens slightly.

What's standing in front of me.

Isabella's gold eyes flicker to mine as she holds me close to her.

Every breath.

The smell of her fogs my mind as we spin through the empty room.

Every hour has led to this.

I pick her up elegantly and kiss her lightly before resuming our sweet, slow dance.

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