Chapter 22

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So we're in the hospital and in 10 minutes Lauren's surgery is going to start. Lauren is really nervous and scared but we tried to cheer her up which kind of worked. 

Lise?- She said grabbing my hand

Yes Lolo?- I asked looking at her

When I'm back home I promise we'll do something fun- She said and I smiled

Don't worry Lolo it's OK- I said

No It's not, I finally stopped ignoring you and I can't even hang out with you- She said sadly

Hey don't be sad it's ok, as long as you're here I'm OK- I said

And besides that when you're home you're going to be in bed to recover so you're with me even if you have enough of me- I joked and she chuckeld and nodded. The doctor walked in smiling

Lauren we're ready to start the surgery- He said and we all nodded. They took Lauren away after saying goodbye and we just waited in the room till the surgery was done. We all just spend the whole time on our phone or listening to music. After 1/2 hours the doctor walked in and we all looked at him.

How did it go?- Mom asked nervous

It went great, she did lose a lot of weight though and we checked it and she's anorexia but she isn't that much underweight so don't worry to much about it just let her eat enough, also she'll have mood swings for 2 months and she'll need to take pills for that. But she's stable and she put her on laugh gas (I don't know what the english word is for I hope you know what I mean) so she'll say weird things for a while, she is able to leave now just sign the papers- The doctor said and we sighed in relief. We all grabbed Lauren's stuff and walked about and saw Lauren in a wheelchair at the front door with a nurse with her waiting for us. We ran towards her and hugged her tight

Yay I'm loved!- She said and we chuckeld

How are you Lolo?- I asked

Good- She said smiling big which made me smile. We rolled her to the van while she pretended to drive a car which was really funny. We put her in the van next to me and Christina

No I wanna drive!- Lauren said

I don't think that's a good idea- I said while we drove home.

Why not?- She pounted

Well you're 13 and don't know how to drive- Christina said

Not true!- Lauren said but gasped when she saw a ice cream shop. She jumped on Christina's lap and almost hit her head on the window but Christina hold her back

I wanna Ice cream!- Lauren said and she looked at Dani who was in front of Christina and almost jumped over the seat but we hold her back

Lauren I'll buy you some ice cream if you sit down- I said and she sat down

Really!- She said and I nodded, she jumped in my arms and kissed my cheek

Thank you lise- She said and I smiled. We arrived home and Mike carried Lauren inside and this time she pretend to be a pilot flying.

Dani look I'm flying!- Lauren said and Dani laughed and ran behind her

I'm faster!- Dani screamed passing Mike and Lauren

NO!- Lauren screamed and looked at Mike

You're a slow airplane- Lauren pounted and Mike laughed and walked inside. We put Lauren in her bed and in a few minutes she fell asleep. We smiled at her and looked at her pills she needs to take. 

Alright we'll give her the pills when she wakes up and let her eat something- Mom said and we nodded. 


Sorry it's kind of shot but it's really late but I wanted to update since I haven't updated in days.

Thanks for reading!

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