Chapter 8

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LISA COME ON WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!- Christina screamed from downstiars. We're all going to Lauren's match tonight and I'm really excited. I really enjoy watching Lauren play soccer but I also kind of don't want her to win because then she's going to New York for 2 months and I don't want her to go. I know sounds selffish and the only thing I do is hurt her when she's here but I still care about her and love her. I walked downstairs and saw my family waiting in the van, I got in the van and next down next to Christina and we drove to Lauren's school. When we arrived we heard people screaming so we knew we were at the right place. We walked to the field and sat down on a bench and saw Lauren's team and the others. The other team looked really mad it scares me.

Why is the other team looking so mad?- Joey asked 

I don't know, I think they really want to win tonight- Mom said

Well they're not cause Lauren is going to beat their butt!- Dani said

Dani!- Christina said and we laughed. 5 minutes later Lauren walked towards us and looked happy and nervous

Hi guys- She said, she was shaking a little

Honey don't be nervous you'll do great like always- Dad said also noticing how nervous Lauren looked

Thanks Dad- Lauren said and she looked at me, she smiled weakly which I returned.

CIMORELLI COME HERE!- The cauch screamed

I gotta go- Lauren said and run towards her team. A few mintunes later they got all took their place on the field and Lauren went to talk with the other team captain. When they were done Lauren also took place and the match started. The whole time they would tackel Lauren really hard and she spend most of the match on the ground. Everyone was getting really mad becuase of that and when Lauren got tackeled so hard that she couldn't stand up they stopped the match and everyone run towards her. We all looked worried trying to see if she was ok. After a while she got up but she looked in real pain but she continued playing. When there were 5 minutes left it was tie with 1-1. Lauren looked really tired and in pain since the other team always tackels her. The last 3 minutes of the match and Lauren got tackeled again but this time she got really mad

WHAT IS YOUR FREAKING PROBLEM?!- Lauren screamed when she got up, her teammembers run towards her

Just shut up and play- The girl said. Lauren looked really mad and was about to say something when Jason grabbed her and brought her to the other side of the field. He calmed her down and they continued the match again but Lauren was still mad. There were like a few seconds left and Lauren was running towards the goal. People tried to tackel her but she jumped over their legs. She reashed the goal and kicked the ball, we all were nervous looking at the ball.............IT WAS GOAL!!!! We all screamed really loud and everyone run towards Lauren and screamed. Lauren looked really happy and they were having a great time. 



So we were waiting for Lauren to come, we were at the front of the school waiting and then we saw her walking with Jason and Jasmine. They were laughing and Jason hugged her tight and they left, Lauren walked towards us still smiling. 

Hi guys- Lauren said, I run to her and hugged her tight

Wow what's wrong?- She asked

Are you ok, I mean they hurt you pretty bad- I said

Yeah I'm fine- She said smiling. We nodded and drove home, Lauren had no school and no practise for one week and in 3 weeks she's going to New York. When we arrived home Lauren walked upstairs to the bathroom but she didn't look good so I followed her

Hey are you sure you're OK?- I asked, she just nodded which was not convincing. I walked towards her and lift her shirt and gasped when I saw her stomach covered with bruises. I touched a huge bruise and she hissed in pain. 

Why didn't you tell us?- I asked, I looked at her stomach again and saw a few cuts?!

How did you get these?- I asked and she looked nervous

Lauren where did you get these?- I asked again and I was her tearing up so I hugged her

I did- She said

What- I asked scared

I cut myself- She said and then broke down crying, she fall on her knees crying her eyes out. I hugged her tight while she cried into my chest. I had tears falling from my eyes thinking about how broken Lauren is without us knowing it. When she calmed down I picked her up and brought her to my bed. I layed her down and saw she fell a sleep so I covered her with my blanket. I walked downstairs and saw Kathrine, Amy, Lisa and Mike. I walked to Lisa and grabbed her by her shirt and shoved her to the wall. 

What are you doing?- She asked shocked

YOU!- I screamed


Christina- Mike said. Mom and Dad run towards us

What's going on?- Mom asked shocked when she saw me holding Lisa by her shirt

SHE CUTS BECAUSE OF YOU!- I screamed and everyone gasped

What- Amy said


Christina let me go- Lisa said, I was hurting her when I hold her tight

NO YOU DESERVE IT!- I screamed and was about to slap her but Mike stopped me and pulled me off her. Lisa and I broke down crying and Kathrine and Amy walked upstairs. 


Amy and I walked upstairs to talk with Lauren but when we found her on Christina's bed sleeping we decided to let her sleep and we walked back downstairs. We saw Christina and Lisa crying while Mike hugged Christian and Mom hugged Lisa.

how is this going to end?

Please love me!- CimorelliWhere stories live. Discover now