The Room of Requirement

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  • Dedicated to Rimsha Duerre

The week past quickly, and I woke up Tuesday, not knowing what to expect. I put on a pair of satin short shorts, a gray tank top, green wedges, and hot pink lipstick. I added a snake ring to my right hand along with my snake necklace, and a pair of leopard sunglasses.

I waited until everyone has left for classes before emerging from my room. I normally loved attention, but I didn't need anyone telling the teachers I was skipping class. Draco was waiting for me in a pair of dark jeans, and a black v-neck.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked, holding out his hand. "I have someplace special I want to show you first."

"Yep, all set," I said, taking his hand. He seemed surprised at my sudden warmth towards him. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," he told me, and I pouted. "We ll be there soon, you goof." We walked in a comfortable silence for a few moments.

"You got very lucky in Potions last week," Draco said, leading me down a deserted corridor.

"How so?" I asked.

"What if you made a complete fool of yourself?" he asked as if the thought itself horrified him.

"Please," I flipped my hair back, "I don't make myself look like a fool, and I'm not starting now." He thought for a second, and then smiled his cocky smile.

"Really?" I nodded. "Even if I do this?" He began tickling my sides, and I cackled uncontrollably. His laugh joined mine, and they sounded beautiful together.

"Stop! Stop! Draco I can't breathe," he paused for a moment to let me catch my breath. "Race you to the end of the corridor!" I told him quickly, and took off.

"Not fair!" He called after me, still chuckling. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and lifted me behind him. I tugged on his shirt sleeve, rushing ahead once again. I jogged backwards, taunting him as he tried to catch up.

My back hit the wall, and I ricocheted off of it. He tried to stop, but we ended up toppling over; I was on top of him. We were both breathing heavily, inhaling each other's essence.

"You're incredible," he spoke, suddenly.

"I know," I told him. I faintly heard footsteps, and my eyes widened. I didn't mind getting in trouble, but getting caught on top of a boy in my year, in an empty corridor? Even Filch could out two and two together. "We have to get out of here."

He nodded and walked me past a troll picture. Then turned around and walked past it once more. The third time I questioned what he was thinking.


"Shhh. Look." He picked up the canvas, and behind it was a large door. "Go in, quick!" I followed his orders, and was amazed to find a room, unlike any other I had seen.

"What do you think?" he asked, once the door had closed behind him.

Occupying one wall was a large bookcase filled with my favorite novels-there weren t many-and the rest filled with musical selections. There was a large red loveseat placed in front of the huge marble fireplace which somehow didn't look tacky together. It seemed comforting, and I knew that it was exactly what my dream room would look like.

"It's amazing, but what is it?"

"This is the Room of Requirement. You can only use it when you are in great need of something. You walk past the door three times thinking of whatever you need and it appears. We needed a place to hide," he explained.A grand piano took up most of the space that was left. Draco turned to my and raised his eyebrows.

"I used to play," I said sheepishly, trailing my hand over the keys.

"The cocky, yet brilliant Rimsha is actually a talented pianist?" he mockingly gasped.

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