Hello Darling

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  • Dedicated to Rimsha Duerre

I walked through the barrier to Platform 9 3/4. My parents rather my father and stepmother finally decided to let me go to Hogwarts after being kicked out of half a dozen other were terrified of what I could do, so they tried to keep me as normal as possible no matter what I had to go through.

I thought Hogwarts would be a great fresh start, but the second I crossed over a rare sense of fear consumed me.

What am I getting myself into? I asked myself. No one in my family is magical. I'll make a complete fool of myself.I sighed. Snap out of it! I am beautiful, powerful, and cunning. Everyone will either be dying to be around me, or stay away from me.

I smiled from my little pep talk. I was beautiful with my long auburn hair, blue eyes with flecks of silver hidden in them, and gorgeous pale skin. I caught my reflection in the glass of the Hogwarts Express. Stunning.

Quickly walking up to one of the front carts, I almost made it in with my bags when- "Watch where you're going, you dunce!" huffed a boy about my age. His white blond hair was slicked back revealing his cold green eyes, and his skin was paler than mine.

"You watch it! I'd say ladies first, but nothing would change," I replied smartly. Still blocking the doorway, he turned around taking me in. A look of quick remorse was replaced by one of disgust.

"Why don't you have your school colors on? Are you stupid?" he asked repulsed.

"No. I haven't been sorted yet, so I didn't know what to wear, I hissed. He seemed to be pleased by my answer.

"A new girl at your age? You're never going to make it," he smiled triumphantly and entered the car. I brushed myself off, and got on the train. Finally finding am empty compartment, I sat down and pulled out The Art of War by Sun Tzu.

You have no idea who you're messing with, boy, I thought evilly.

I skimmed through the book until we finally arrived at Hogwarts. After changing into my new black robes, and look at myself in my compact mirror. These robes would go remarkably well with green, I noticed.

I brushed my thick hair back, admiring my snake necklace. It was made entirely out of Swarovski crystals, and imported from Austria. My parents thought it'd soften me up so my 'fragile ego' wouldn't be wounded by, yet another, school.

Everyone exited the train cautiously, except for me, and a few boys with green ties. Their heads were held high, acting like they owned the school. That's the way to walk. I winked at the tallest one, and marched by proudly.

I finally reached a carriage being pulled by a skeleton-like horse. There was a lithe, blond girl petting one of them. She had glassy eyes, and a cheerful, indifferent aura.

"Hello," she greeted without looking up.

"What are these creatures?" I said nervously.

"Thestrals," she returned. "They won't hurt you. But you are very unfortunate to see them."

"This girl is insane," I mumbled to myself. But my curiosity got the better of me. "Why is it unfortunate?"

"You see, only those who have seen death can see them," she stated. "I'm Luna by the way. And you are?"

I opened my mouth, but I had been overcome with a feeling of nausea. Details of the car crash that had killed my mother consumed my thoughts. Terrible accident... Nothing we could do... Nearly died upon impact.

The paramedics had pulled me aside as soon as my nanny and I had arrived at the hospital. They told me everything that had happened, and led me to a room where my parents lay. My father smelled of antibacterial soap, and the bags under his eyes were prominent. I walked towards my mother. I could still hear her weak voice.

"Rimsha...be strong for the both of us...nothing should get you down...," she wheezed out before lying still. From then on, I was strong. I was strong enough to block everything out. No one got me down, not teachers, my step-mother, or even my peers. I was perfect; at least, that's what I told myself.

"Are you alright?" asked Luna. I had fallen to my knees. I looked up at her with disdain. Who was she to remind me of my terrible past? She was a nothing that had made Rimsha Duerre fall to her knees; on the first day of her new school, as well.

"I'm perfect," I declared. I dusted myself off and looked around. No one had noticed this spectacle, thank God. I turned around, and looked for an empty carriage.

A long, bony finger tapped me on the shoulder, and I turned around. The long bony finger was connected to a long bony hand, which belonged to an old, filthy looking man. He was stooped over, holding a lantern, while a cat purred and circled his legs.

"Name's Mr. Argus Filch. I'll be your caretaker while you're here. Unfortunately, there appears to be only one carriage still empty," he had an eerie way of talking, and he didn't look particularly sorry for the 'unfortunate' event. He waved his hand, and led me to a carriage where a familiar blond boy was sitting by himself looking rather smug.

"No! There has to be some other car that isn't filled," I asserted. My loud outburst had startled the boy, and he turned around to see who he would have to share a seat with. He smiled, and I couldn't help noticing how much better he looked when he did.

"Hello Darling! Great to see you again," he spoke enthusiastically. He turned to Filch. "Don't mind her, she just wishes she could have presented herself a little better." My cheeks flamed. "That settles it. Get in," he ordered hoisting me into the bug. "Girls. Always needing to look beautiful," he muttered to himself as he walked away.

"Because he's had so much experience with them," I muttered sarcastically. I turned to the boy sitting across from me. "So, darling, what was that about?"

"I'd like to make a proposition to you," he replied. I was a bit taken aback.

"What could you have to offer me?" the question made him laugh.

"More than you'd realize," he said, and his cold eyes hiding something. "But you have attitude. And if you make it into Slytherin, feel free to sit by us."

"Who do you refer you when you say us?" I questioned.

"So you're interested. Just my mates; Crabbe, Goyle, you might have to get used to Pansy. She's a real pain, but she comes in handy sometimes," he said. I decided I'd toy with him.

"I don't know. I need someone powerful, smart, and feared," I said enunciating each word. "Tell me, do you fit the description?" His eyes flashed.

"I'm filthy rich, feared my almost all, and smarter than you. I'm powerful enough to know you're a Mudbl-muggle born, nearly fail all of your classes, and were nearly kicked out of this school before the term began for excessive fighting," he answered angrily. I stared at him, grasping for words. He wore a satisfied smirk.

"Yes, I'm muggle born, I fail because I have better things to do then focus of tasks I've already learned, and don't think I care whether or not I get kicked out for fighting again!" I screeched, standing up as we ran over a rock.

I would have fallen right on top of him if he hadn't caught me by the elbows. All of our anger drained out of us; our faces were inches from each other.

"Are you sure?" he breathed out. His breath smelled like cool mint. I leaned in closer, and closed the distance between us, pressing my lips to his. I unwillingly broke apart a second later.

"Positive," I replied quietly, scampering out of his lap. We didn't talk much until we reached the castle.

"After you, darling," I said, gesturing grandly. He stood and jumped out of the buggy. After walking a few feet away, he turned, and looked at me, his head tilted slightly. I took advantage of his momentary pause.

"I'm Rimsha Duerre, by the way. I never did get your name," I mentioned. He looked thoughtfully at me.

"It's Draco. Draco Malfoy."

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