*Chapter 1*

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It was well past midnight but Severus Snape was still awake. He didn't sleep much these days. He couldn't remember the last time he slept through the night. He sat in a chair by the fire place and glared at the flames. He wasn't mad at the flames, obviously. He was mad at himself. He was mad at Albus Dumbledore. No. He was mad at the being that cursed him to live. Was this living? Or was this just surviving? Severus was contemplating this when thoughts were interrupted by a voice. "This is no way to spend your night Severus."
Severus didn't bother to turn. He knew who it was. "How do you prefer I spend them, Albus?" The old headmaster smiled slightly before walking over and taking the chair opposite of the sad man. "With a date perhaps? Are there any women in your life?"
Severus turned slightly to glare at the old man, "No."
"Men then? Either are fine," Dumbledore smiled at him but his smile went unnoticed. Severus stood and turned his back towards Dumbledore. "What are you really here for Albus?" Dumbledore sighed and rose slowly from his chair. "To ask a favor."
Severus turned towards him. What else could he possibly need? He had his life. He had his loyalty. "A war is coming." Dumbledore started. "And Harry needs protection." Snape nodded to tell him to go on. "As you may know when a wizard courts with another it creates a bond of sorts. They feel what the other feels. Joy. Pain. They even share thoughts."
Severus raised an eyebrow at him. "So he'll court one of the girls that fawn over him. Why are you telling me?"
"I want you to court Harry."

Severus stared at Dumbledore. "I'm his professor. He's a fifteen! How could you even begin to think this is okay?" Dumbledore smiled softly as if he knew more than the wizard before him. "He's been 16 for an hour. Old enough to court. If it was against wizarding laws for a professor and a student to court, I wouldn't have suggested it. No one has to know, of course. Only Harry, you, myself, and a witness of his choosing. It isn't final. If you both decide to end it after the war, you can. It doesn't have to be romantic. Its only for Harry's protection. Dumbledore conjured a book and handed it to Snape. "Think it over," Before Snape could respond, Albus was gone.

Severus sighed and took his seat again. With sleep not in the near future, he began to read.

•Weekly outings are suggested. Not required.
•Rings or bracelets are required to be worn by the two.
•Two witnesses must be present during the ceremony.
•Both must agree to the bond that comes with courting.
•The bond can be broken at anytime as long as both agree.

Severus closed the book with a heavy sigh. What was the point of reading further? Harry would never agree. Hell, Severus didn't agree. He sat for a moment and thought about the young wizard. He was 16 now. Twenty years younger than Severus. He thought about Harry, Harry's jet black hair and bright green eyes. His mother's eyes. Severus loved Lily, He loved her the way one loves a friend. He once thought it was more than that but he wasn't in love with her. He didn't have an interest in women. He groaned at the thought and ran his hand across his face. The night always brought these thoughts. He focused on Harry. Sure, Harry was attractive as far as looks went. The attitude was a turn off. Too much like his father... What did it matter? Severus knew he wasn't attractive. He knew he was cruel. He was a spy for Albus. He risked his life every time the mark on his arm burned. If a single thread of doubt ever appeared in the mind of he-who-must-not-be-named, Severus would be killed. Death didn't seem so bad on nights like this.

A/N: Am I the only one who finds Snape attractive? Just me? Okay.

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