Reforming Memories

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Ichigo Hitofuri sat with folded legs next to Spirit on the porch of the citadel drinking tea in a calm, peaceful manner. Today, was a week after Mikazuki's arrival and it was early in the morning. It was until Spirit spoke that the soft silence not counting the breeze and white noise that echoed from the outside environment, broke.

"Say, Ichi-chan. What do you think about Mika-chan?"

"M-munechika-dono? Well... He's a great new edition to the tea-"

Spirit cut Ichigo off, "No, no, no, don't answer my question like that. Tell me your feelings and thoughts about him, not generalizations on his abilities and helpfulness"

"A-ah.. Eh? I like Munechika-dono. I enjoy his company of course like any friend and new comrade of this citadel."

'Ouch. If Mika-chan was here, that's got to sting.' The general thought and almost outwardly cringed, almost. "Anything else, Ichi-chan?"

"W-well, there is one other thing..." Ichigo had started to drift off.

'This sounds interesting...' Spirit mentally noted and tilted his head in Ichigo's general direction in a questionable manner, taunting the light blue haired male to go forward with his speech.

"You see... Every time I look at Munechika-san, there are sometimes peculiar flashes of light and images that come forth before my eyes, like I've seen him before. No, like I've met him before. Even right now, I got a bit of a flashback. It was Munechika sitting exactly where you are sitting, general-sama and the scene goes exactly like this, us drinking tea however, Munechika looks over at me and smiles brightly and I feel myself smiling back. I guess we must have been friend before I was burned, hm...." Ichigo glanced down at the warm tea within his hands.

'Ichi-chan, I don't know how much someone is allowed to be oblivious but we have certainly breached normal levels...' The general let out a sigh of disappointment and shook his head in a stupefied manner before quirking an eyebrow. "So, you never thought about telling Mika-chan about your flashbacks?"

"I never paid too much attention to it, I didn't find it too fascinating."

Spirit coughed out his tea almost instantly.

"General?! Are you okay?" The sword was about to pat his general's back before it was slapped away lightly by the coughing male.

"I'm fine! *cough* pft. Ahhh.. I'm better now." The coughing male stopped and took in some breaths before proceeding with normal actions next to his sword.

"Ah. I'm gla-" Ichigo found himself cut off again.

"Ichi-chan, you're a naive fool." Spirit hastily took a sip of his lukewarm tea.

Ichigo gasped in shock and awe at such straightforward wording, "Ehhh!? General, that's quite rude. What do you mean I'm a 'naive fool'?"

"It's not rude when it's the hard truth. I understand your amnesia but you not being able to piece together this situation? Classic." The general chuckled to himself.

"What do you mean 'situation'?" The sword was completely bemused.

"You and Mika-chan were owned by the same household in the past before you were burned, Ichi-chan." The human male tapped on the side of cup with his fingers.

"Oh, so I was right! Munechika-san and I used to be friends or at least acquaintances. Excuse me, General. I'll go tell him now and apologize for not rememb-"

"Hold it." Spirit hardened his command with an intense stare that made the sword sit back down immediately.

"What else do you need to tell me, General?" Ichigo looked to his master curiously.

"You're still so naive... You weren't just acquaintances..." The general had his words droop.

"So, friends?"


"Best friends."


"Oh dear... May we have been..."

'Has he finally got it!?' Spirit looked excitedly at his sword.

"Friends with benefits?"

"NO! Way more than that!" The general shook his head at Ichigo's innocence, he was worse than the Tantous themselves.

"W-what could you possibly mean? You don't mean we were...?" The sword looked to his master with puzzled eyes that were piecing together the past and flashbacks. Ichigo wouldn't have believed it, the last thing he could think of was himself and Mikazuki being lovers and possibly even married but if that were the case then Ichigo had been putting Mikazuki through heart cramps the entire time he had been here.

"You know Ichi-chan, you two are like night and day. I mean your golden eyes remind me of the sun and even your very hair reminds me of the sky at noon. Mika-chan has the crescent moon within his eyes reflecting the moon and his hair replicates the sky at midnight... Yet! You two share the sky together, share a vast amount of space equally, caring enough to each other to take turns ruling the sky...." Ichigo looked to Spirit in awe of his simile he just gave.

There was a pause of silence that came between the two before Spirit piped up, "Go. Go and look for Mika-chan. Ask him what you two once were, the explanation should be coming from him, not me."

The light blue haired man hastily stood up and speedily walked down the porch hall to find the rarest sword. The general watched him leave into the depths of the citadel.

"Mikazuki Munechika. I can tell you're back there."

Spirit chuckled lightly as he heard the sliding of a door open from behind him. Mikazuki slowly closed the entrance to the porch shut and walked up and stood next his new found general who was still snickering to himself.

"Ha ha ha. It appears I have been sensed. How long did you know I was back there, general?" Mikazuki looked to Spirit quizzically.

"Why, I knew you were there the entire time. You started eavesdropping when Ichigo talked to me about his flashbacks, weren't you? Too bad Ichigo could not hear the slight opening and closing of the door since you felt you should keep your presence a secret." The general looked knowingly at the sword.

"Ha ha ha. Brilliant, general, brilliant. I can see you're very observant and intuitive." Mikazuki gave light claps in praise.

"Now, what the hell are you waiting for? Don't you have to go and greet a wandering prince?" The master gave a smug smile to his new comrade.

"I'm on it, general." Mikazuki laughed slightly before bounding off down the porch hall after his Ichigo with Spirit looking on from behind. The general sat in silence for awhile before...

"Midare, Akita and Yagen. Stop hiding."

'Maybe I should train my swords more in camouflage...' Spirit pitifully thought.  

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