Chapter 20: Love

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The trophy was handed to the Warriors and the remaining supporters erupted in cheers.
I grinned at Stephen when he held the trophy high in the middle , Riley at his feet looking quiet confused.

They deserved this, the underdogs worked hard as hell just to make the top teams even harder to be in the finals but it was an absolute blessing for them to win. I'm so proud to be a supporter of the Warriors and I'm very sure every fan watching this is just as proud as I am. Whether anyone wants to hear or not they are officially the best basketball team in U.S.A .

They exit the stage heading to the locker room squeezing past the massive crowd that followed to the locker room.
I lost sight of them quickly, but then I saw Riley squeezing under people's legs and past people running up to me.
I smile at her putting her on my hip.
"Whoo! I almost got hurt," she says dramatically fanning herself.

I smile at her heading back to the stands with the curry's and Ayesha to get our stuff we left.
"Am I going by mummy ?" She whispers sounding annoyed .
" no babe were gonna celebrate with daddy,"

We took our time getting our stuff together because the crowds was to cluttered.
Sonya hugged me telling me she'll meet us at the hotel where their having the
after party.

I nod letting Riley hug her and watch her leave with Dell and Seth.
I took up Riley's bag and my back pack, I put Riley to stand so I can juggle the two bags.

"You know you two aren't gonna last right?" I hear none other than the wicked bitch of the South ,Ayesha.

You know taking this job I thought she was such a nice person....damn that whole book cover saying is true as the sky is blue.

"Oh really , that's nice I'll message you the details to our break up when I decided to care about you or your feelings,"
I took Riley's hand walking down back to the tunnels not waiting for a reply from her stalkcious ass. "Damn.. Old hoe," I mutter under my breath .
"Burn!" Riley screams shocking me into a stand still.

She continued walking slipping away from my grip going to the locker room.
This kid just surprises me everyday.
I speed up grabbing his hand again pulling her back just as the door swings open almost hitting her . Mya 1 door 0! mummy instincts kicking in !

Klay and Gia steps out dripping wet from something that smelt like champagne mixed with energy drinks. Looks like they had their own celebration In there, as expected.
Klay completely ignores us to busy wrapped in the conversation with Gia.
Stephen walks out next talking to Drey.

"Na , that enough celebrating for me tonight I'm gonna head to the hotel," Stephen says doing the 'guy' hand shakes with the chest thing and bleh! You know what I'm talking about!

Drey nods as a hi to me and walks in the opposite direction we came.
Stephen grins at us raising the trophy he apparently is taking to the hotel.

I grin cheering hugging him tightly, he looks down at my 5'4 height puckering his lips.

I put my finger on his lips teasingly.
"Later babe,"
He raise his eyebrow with a devious glint in his eyes.

Tonight is gonna be ....exciting...

Riley yawns loudly trying to get our attention.
"I'm tired," she says raising her arms for me to pick her up.
"Wait baby you can sleep in the car our hands are full," Stephen says just as he pinches my butt.

His Maid ( rewriting )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin