A Kiss On The Forehead ( Kyle X Reader )

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                              (Y/N) is walking up the bus steps and looks around for a seat to sit in.

                   "Taken.. taken... taken.... Token? Nah.." (Y/N) says until he/she spots an empty seat.

                   'It's probably the only seat left..' But then (Y/N) spots a child with an orange jacket added with jade-green pants, and finally completed with a green hat on his head to fulfill the outfit.

                                        (Y/N) sits down next to the one and only, Kyle Broflovski.

                       'Goddamnit he's cute.." (Y/N) thinks just as they sit down next to.. him.


                                               "Hi.." He just says as he looks out the window.

                                               "I-- Uhm-- I thought you would've sat by Stan.."

                     "He's having time with his so called, 'girlfriend'. He even told me yesterday that he didn't even like her, so I don't know why he would he would sit by her if he doesn't even like her!"

               "I'm sure he still likes you Kyle! But he may just have to deal with Wendy, some boys don't want to look like total jerkfaces for the rest of the year because they broke up with a girl."

                              "You could be right, or he just hates my guts for some reason.."

                                                   "What could Stan POSSIBLY hate you for?"

                                                        "I dunno.. I guess you got a point..."

                    "See? Stan could never hate you! You're so sweet and kind!" (Y/N) actually blushes while smiling the brightest smile. A smile that was possibly brighter than the flaming sun.

                                                                      "Uhh.. thank you..?"

                                                                          "No problem!"

            After that little chit chat the bus starts moving and taking slick turns, making people bump into each other.

                                      A while passes and (Y/N) bumps straight into Kyle.

                                                               "H-Hehe.. I.. uhm.. sorry..."

                 "It's fine. This happens all the time whenever somebody sits next to me on these dumbass buses." For some reason, Kyle says it with a light cherry blossom blush on his cheeks.

                 A few minutes pass with some awkward chatting with (Y/N) and Kyle, but the bus finally comes to an end.

                         "It was a nice time chatting with you!" Kyle says with a big cheery smile.

                                                                                      "I-I uh-- "

                Before (Y/N) can get out of his/her seat, Kyle lightly kisses him/her on her forehead.

                                                               "Hope to see you again soon!"

                                                    He walks away and steps out of the bus.


                                                       'I am never washing this forehead again.'

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