Chp.1 - Oh, So, Okay

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Hello, now before we start, I haven't written fan fiction in about 2 years... So sorry...
This is (as the title suggest,) a story of Vikk and Harry. Yep, they are my current OTP. Watch a vlog and you'll probably see it too. (srsly better than emon)
This story will have swearing because, sidemen, and for these purposes JJ still permanently lives in the house and Tobi doesn't. A/Ns shouldn't be this long in the future...

JJ was sat on his favorite stool in the kitchen. He was having a good day overall, he was alone, it was quiet, and he'd found himself a nice yoghurt to eat. But, like most things, it doesn't take much time for silence to be broken, especially when you live with people like Ethan Payne.

"JOSH YOU ACTUAL FUCK!" JJ heard as Ethan came bounding down the central staircase, "LIKE I'M DONE"

Walking in to the kitchen Ethan was followed by Simon, and if you were a fan of weak rhymes, It was a Simon in Stiches.

"Oh, Jide.... You should have been there..... Oh my god..... I can't it was so...." Simon had to stop so he could attempt to catch his breath.

Simultaneously as Ethan popped the tag on a can of red bull and JJ was about to point out that monopoly games can't be that funny, Vikk also cautiously entered the kitchen.

"Hey Vikk, I thought you had scheduled to record with Preston right about now, blocks and all that?" Simon squinted curiously.

"It was Lachlan and no he had to cancel, but I just got of Skype with Harry. He wanted to know if you guys would be down to film a challenge video later on this week, or something similar?" Vikk said as he walked around Ethan to get an apple for himself.

"I don't think I would be able to but you should ask Josh." Simon replied.

"Same here, tell him it sucks though..." Ethan inputed.

"Kay, JJ I know you're out with family so I guess to Josh it is..." With that Vikk walked out, leaving Simon to tell the story of how Josh completely owned Ethan at Monopoly.

Josh heard Vikk's footsteps before he got there so was ready and waiting with the door open, the video he'd just filmed saving a back up copy.

"Afternoon Vikk, what brings you to my room?"

"Oh, Josh, Harry had Skyped me wanted to know if anyone would like to do an IRL or chalenge video?" Vikk turned the apple over in his hands, waiting for a yes or no answer...

"If he wants to do like a day out sorta vlog I need to go to Ikea and I guess it would be fun to have you two tag along."

"That sounds cool actually, I'll go ask him, thanks Josh." Vikk nodded (mostly to himself) before turning away back to his room.

When he got back to his computer, Vikk sent the call request to Harry, and while it rang, sold the blaze rods he had just AFK'd for in factions. Selling them made him think about the episode him and Lachlan had planned to do, it wasn't really anything interesting but it was still a good enough video, and Vikk needed as many "easy" videos as possible.

When Harry finally answered the Skype call, he was greeted with the sight of a zoned out Vikk. Harry pondered two things at that time; How long would it take Vikk to snap out of this state and wether or not Vikk was more stressed than normal. Deciding that, on his own, Vikk wouldn't return in any due time. Harry did something very Harry like, and screamed down the microphone Vikk's name.

This promptly meant that Vikk almost fell out his chair. "Umm, hey there Harry." Vikk tried to recover from the shock he just had.

"So, you alright?" Harry asked Vikk, whose normal smile had returned.

"Harry, we talked, like less than half an hour ago. There's not that much I can do in that time..."

"Still, you can do somethings, so little Vikky, what did you do?"

"I got an apple," Vikk looked around his desk, then with a sigh he added, "I think Josh stole that apple... And I asked the guys about the idea of doing a video."

"What did they say?" Harry leaned forward, he hadn't actually filmed with another one of the Sidemen for a while, and his comments section made sure to tell him this.

"Simon, Ethan and JJ are out, well JJ we knew anyway. But Josh suggested we do a sorta day vlog to Ikea and some places like that."

"He wants new furniture doesn't he..."

"Well, to be fair you sorta had a play in his shelf breaking..." The two had a laugh at the memories of that day.

"It was certainly memorable." Harry concluded.

"You can say that again." Vikk leaned a bit further back in his chair.

"Well, I'm sorry for cutting this lovely conversation short, but I need to do some editing. Thanks for asking the guys for me Vikk mate." Harry said, his voice slowly getting more and more somber.

"Nah, it was seriously nothing, I'd do it anytime. So me and Josh will have to hit up those details with you but I'll see u at Ikea..."

"Yep, I'll protect your apples from the evil hands of Zerkaa." Harry's comment got him a small laugh coming through his headphones. "See you then, bye bye Vikk."

"Bye Harry." Vikk signed off. Leaving Harry with no-one to talk to as everyone else in his flat were out.

So Harry did some editing, some good editing. Harry out it down to Vikk's good influence...

Well, that's a start. A bad one but hey. It's 3 in the morning and I've been stalking these two on Twitter.
Also uploads =  less consistent than JJ...


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