Chapter 1 (unedited)

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Wow okay she's happy.
"are you okay you haven't said anything."
I just nodded. As the perky blonde walked me to my first class.

She knocked on the door and walked in.
"Mr Silvers, this is the new pupil Sarah."
The teacher looked up from the board when his eyes met mine it was like the whole world stopped turning.
He moved forward with his hand extened towards me I shook silently.

"Umm... Your seat will be at the back" his voice was rich. His face was young but looked old as if he had lived done everything he wanted to.
His hair was blonde and fairly long.
One of his ears was pierced. If I walked past this man on the street I'd assume he was a rocker.
Walking to the back of the room I could tell he was well wanted with the girls.
As I sat down he came up to me with my jotters and text books. Then started explaining what each one was for.
"Got it?" he asked. I nodded my head but what I really meant was no.

The pain in my chest started again, there's nothing I can do about. I'm used to it now. I just hope the panic attack doesn't start soon.

Lunch. I have no where to sit and no one to sit with.

So I decided the Library how sad am I.
I don't like talking to anyone anymore and I can't trust anyone either. So I stick to myself.

This library is huge it's like my sanction. The pain started again and this time I could feel the panic attack coming.

I tried to get to the back of library as fast as I could I dropped my back and fell to my knees gasping for air. My eyes were clamped shut. I could hear someone talking and rubbing my arms.
It was soon over. I could breathe again. My eyes slowly opened to see the the comforter was Mr Silvers.

"Are you okay?" he sounded generally worried. I slowly nodded my head and he nodded his.

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