Chapter 31: Eyyy Mickey You're So Fine

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We pass by Disney World and I do nothing to stop the shriek that tears out my lips. "Dad can we go? It's like right there!" We have season passes, but do we use them?? They were a gift from my Uncle Dennis, but we've only gone once this year, and that was back in late January...My dad pretends not to see the Disney World sign, which is as obvious as my pinched wrist pain. "Maybe," he says, not committed to the conversation. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Dad, I'm not eight, whenever a parent says maybe, that means they're never considering the matter again." My dad does turn to me, but only because he's checking before he pulls over in the right lane.

"Says the girl who wants to go to Disney World."

"The happiest place on earth! Daaadddd."

"We only brought enough clothes for four days."

"But the trip was for two, why can't we stay another day? Just another day?"

"Because...because Francine and DJ's hospitality was for two days."

I try not to snicker at my dad's sorry excuses. Whenever he doesn't want to do something, after saying he doesn't want to do it, he makes up reasons why I shouldn't either. Or at least he tries, and either way, I never win. "We have passes," I try again, "and we've only went once this year. Why can't we go again? Are you and Danté gonna go when I leave? And put the gift to use?" I'll be darn if we're in the same city as my favorite theme park and we don't go. I feel some angry tears form in the corners of my eyes, and start wiping them away. I get teary at the most inconvenient times. "Mickey is calling for me," I manage weekly, and the closer we get to Frankie and PawPaw's, the more I wish I could tear out my seat belt and bust through the car windows, Matrix style.

The moment soon passes when my dad pulls up into a Steak n Shake to buy me an Oreo shake. "Well, it's your trip," he says when I asked why, and I bite my tongue. If it were my trip like he said, I'd be hugging Princess Jasmine. Right? I find the auxiliary cord and plug in my phone. On my radio app, the first song that comes on is a slow jazz song by Tony Bennett. "That's what you listen to?" my dad's teasing echoes Justin, when I let him go through my music. I grimace. I'm already ticked off about Disney World. I remember the shake I'm slurping down, and don't say anything. Instead I just skip the song. My dad must notice because I hear him clear his throat and continue driving.

Frankie's making a vegetarian lasagna when we get home, and after giving her a quick hug I run up to my room and sit on the bed. Phone in hand, I FaceTime Justin hoping he picks up. It's five minutes before I realize he hasn't answered, and I sigh. I see that I have a message from Nicole though.

we're gonna go see a movie tomorrow! coming?

"We" is Nicole and her summer roommate Jessica. I would love to see a movie...

Sounds fun..but I'm going back home tomorrow L

OH!! damn, I forgot...whelp

I smile to myself, and start to type out a reply when my phone starts ringing. "What up girl," Justin says as he gets into his car. I'm so glad I still have that warm buzz in my chest whenever I see him. I notice that he's started to grow out a beard. I don't know how I feel about it. "Ummm, what's this?" I tap the bottom of my chin, noticing how pointy it feels. I could poke an eye out with it. "What's what?" he asks mimicking me, but he's grinning. "Shave that," I say shaking my head. "Seriously! know how long it took to grow this out?" I watch him turn around in his seat and place a hand on the back of the seat next to him, lifting his head up to look around. I laugh, but see in his eyes that he's little bit deflated. "Ehh, it's just..." I don't even finish the sentence. "Lyric, I look like a twelve year old without it." I bite my lip thinking he looks like could be a thirty year old with it. Time to change the subject, but I make a mental note to figure out a way to convince him to get rid of his fuzz.

"Orlando was great thanks for asking," I say as I see the Justin and everything around him shake from my side of the phone. "You sure you wanna do this while you're driving?" I ask, and he shrugs me off. "I'm glad Orlando was great. I'll be less than two hours away," he nods. "How was Disney World?" he asks, and I feel my mouth form into a straight line. "Or did you convince him to take you?" A smile plays at Justin's lips and I stick my tongue out just because I can. "You're not cute," I roll my eyes. I had mentioned to him our park passes and he had been convinced that with our track record, we wouldn't go again until they expired. "I guess it's a good thing we didn't make a bet, yep?" I stay silent, and then throw my phone down, right on my pillow. Justin's snickering grows to full blown laughter, and finally I join in with him. He has one of those laughs that's much funnier than the joke or jab. It's actually adorable...unlike my snort, which I let rip before I stop it.

"Now that's cute," Justin chokes out, and I pick up my phone so I can better glare at him.

"When are you coming back?"

"We leave tomorrow afternoon."

"Yes! My girl will be back soon!"

If only it were possible for me to blush! I can't even describe what happens to me when Justin calls me "his girl". I only wish he says it more.    

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