As Mr Fitz droned on about the book, the girl turned around to me.

"I don't know you. Are you new here?" She asked, tucking a piece of her black hair behind her ear.
"Yes I am." I replied.
"Well, my name is Addison. Call me Addy."
"Will do. My name is Alexa. Call me Lexi."
"Cute name. Where you from?"
"New York."
"I can tell. You have a slight accent."
"I know, it's annoying."
"No, it's cute."
"Thanks." I hesitated.
"So, do you have a last name?"
"I do. It's Wilson."
"Nice. Any siblings?"
"I have a brother called Noah, and a soon-to-be stepsister, Hanna. Hanna Marin. You might know her."
"Oh yeah, she's a nice girl. I have an older brother, Noel. He's a dick sometimes."
"Ugh, my brother can be the same sometimes."

When the class finished, Addison asked for me to wait for her outside the class. I told her I couldn't as I was meeting up with Hanna. So she said she would meet me there.

"How is school going?" Han asked.
"Okay I guess. I made a friend." I smiled.
"Ooh, who's your friend?" She asked as someone yelled my name. I turned around and saw Addy running over to me, the best she could in heels.
"That's her." I said pointing to her.
Addison ran over to me and hugged me.
"I'm glad you're still here." She smiled.
"Why? I wouldn't leave." I told her.
"I know, but, I need a friend."
"Oh okay. Anyway, this is Addison."
"Yeah I know." Hanna sighed. I have her a funny look.
"Um, I'm going to sit with her, I'll see yo later Han." I said walking away with Addison.

Hanna's POV
"I can't believe you are letting Alexa be friends with Noel's sister." Emily sighed.
"Look, Addison is a really nice kid. Yeah, she has a bad attendance, but she's a good kid. I'm not going to be telling Alexa who she can and can't be friends with."
School finally finished and I was on my way home with Alexa and Noah.

As we came to the house, there was yelling from inside and more cars in the driveway.
My dad's car was there.

I opened the door and the yelling got louder.
The three of us walked into the kitchen and we saw my mom, Ted, Dad, Isabel and Kate in the kitchen.

"Oh hi Hanna." My mom sighed.
They all turned around. "Why don't you go upstairs." She said. I nodded my head and went up with Noah and Alexa. Kate followed us for some reason.

"Kate, what are you doing here?" I asked.
"I wanted to meet the new members of your family, plus my mom told me to go up here." She spat.
"We don't want your ugly face in our house." I told her.
"Well, tough shit Hanna, but wow, is that the best you can do?" She asked pushing past me and going into my room.

She kept giving Alexa dirty looks.
"What do you want?" Alexa glared.
"Oh, she's just like you Hanna. A bitch."
"Shut the fuck up Kate..." I sighed.
"So, Alexa, or whatever, do you like living with Hanna?"
"Yes I do."
"Why? I mean, it's Hanna, she's an ugly bitch."
"Shut up Kate, no one asked for your shitty opinion. I like Hanna. So, you can take your opinion and shove it up your fat arse." Alexa shouted. I stood back in amazement at my sister.
"Ugh whatever." She sighed leaving the room.
"Nice job Lexi!" I laughed giving her a high five.
"Anything for my sister."
Alexa's POV
The shouting was still going on an hour later.

Hanna decided to go down to the kicthen to get food. I went with her.

The adults stopped yelling when they saw us.

"I thought I told you go upstairs." Ashley said gritting her teeth.
"You did, but, we want food." Hanna told them.
"Okay, be quick." Dad said.

I waited at the doorway for Hanna to get the food.
My dad gave me a weak smile and so did Ashley. Hanna's dad and stepmom gave me weird looks.

I feel like I know Hanna's dad from somewhere though. I recognise his eyes.

Where have I seen them before? God, I can't remember.

"Would you stop looking at her like that!" Ashley demanded.
"No, it's fine." I muttered.
"Come on." Hanna grabbed my hand and lead me back up to her room.

Kate was in there. She was looking through Hanna's things. Some things were broken.

"Kate, you have five seconds to your fat ass out of here!" Hanna screamed.
"Make me..." Kate taunted.

Hanna ran into the room and picked up a smashed photo.

"What the hell?!" She yelled.
"What? It's not like he loves you anymore. I'm his daughter." Kate spat at Hanna.

I caught a glimpse of the photo. It was of Hanna and her father. Hanna must have been about five or six.

I looked around the room, half of Hanna's clothes were lying on the floor.

The bedding was a mess. Hanna's things were lying everywhere and my things were scattered about.

That's when I saw the picture. The or of me and my mom.
I ran over to it and picked up the smashed frame.

"What the fuck did you do?!" I cried.
"Oops, I slipped." Kate chuckled.
"You bitch!" I screamed at her and cried into my hands.
I looked up and saw Hanna lunge at Kate.

As Hanna basically attacked Kate, I kept crying and holding the picture in my hand.

I wasn't aware that I had glass in my hand from the frame until I saw the blood trickling down my fingers.

I gasped in pain and dropped it. I opened my hand as saw pieces of glass, all different sizes, in the palm of my hand and red blood all over my hand and fingers.

Hanna came back into the room and saw my hand.
She took me through to the bathroom and took the glass out, the best she could.

"There is still so much glass in your hand. Come on." She said leading me down to the kitchen.
"What now!" Hanna's dad shouted angrily. My dad and Ashley looked worried. I held my hand out.
"Your daughter, did this!" Hanna yelled at Isabel.
"I doubt that." Her dad hissed.
"Really? Go look at my room. She trashed it!"
"Alexa, sweetie, come here." Ashley said walking over to me.
She took me out the room and into the bathroom.

Ashley finished taking the glass out my hand then wrapped it up with a bandage.
I hugged her and thanked her.

"I think you should just go." Ashley said as we went back into the kitchen.

Hanna came over to me and hugged me whilst her dad got up.

Hanna's POV
I hugged Alexa as my dad stood up then did the unthinkable.

He slapped my mom across the face. I started crying out of pure anger.
He ran out the house with Isabel and Kate following him.
Ted ran after him.

I went over to my mom who was trying to keep herself together.
"Hanna, please take Alexa upstairs." Was all she said.
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I feel bad for Ashley :(

Kate is a bitch! ~ Charlotte xoxo

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