Chapter 13 - It comes out

Começar do início

He tried to hold my hand but I pulled it away, "Violetta--"

"No, Leon. That's all I had to say." I ended the conversation there, turning around and leaving. 

The moment I walked out though, I let out a huge sigh of frustration about how badly this had gone. I didn't mean to lash out at him, but he wasn't helping either..

Trying to make my mind off things, I went to my next class, which happened to be Pablo's. Great! Another class with Leon, I thought sarcastically, but deep down, I wanted us to make up more than anything. It was a silly fight and it shouldn't have happened.

I entered the classroom and spotted Fran and Cami in the middle. I walked to them and Fran took out a chair next to her for me, which I gratefully sat on.

"Hey girls.." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

Francesca saw my sudden change of mood. After Angie's class, I had been everything but sad. Now.. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just a little fall out with my dad." I answered, not wanting to give any further explanation.

"Uh-huh," Camila said, not convinced, "And where were you after Angie?" 

"I was in the bathroom, when my dad called and we had this fall out I told you about." She gave me an unconvinced look, and I tried to shrug it off.

"Suuure." She told me, and I turned to the front before she found out anything else. The last thing I wanted was Leon getting mad at me even more for ratting out our little secret.

Then, Pablo entered the class and we quieted down, thankfully the girls and I's conversation ending.

"Morning, everyone. I have a surprise for you today," He told us with a small smile and I sat up, interested. 

Antonio, the Studio's owner, came in from behind him and many students gasped. I had met Antonio only once, and that was about two weeks ago. Angie had called me into the teachers' office because he was the one who wanted to meet me, and I was more anxious than ever.

Not that I'm not now, though.

"As I haven't heard you sing in a long time, I came here for a surprise visit to see my dear students' progress. Shall we start?" Antonio spoke, and everyone agreed.

I tensed, knowing very well that I, alone, would be extremely nervous in front of Antonio. Not to mention that I had been assigned to sing the song Leon and I were supposed to write together. The song was ready, but the duo was far from that.

Camila rubbed my hand in assurance. She knew, I thought and I silently thanked her.

- - -

"Well done, Francesca! You were honestly really good!" Pablo congratulated and Antonio clapped impressed.

Francesca thanked them and sat down next to me. My heart was going to jump out of my chest because it was my turn to sing.

"Violetta?" Pablo looked at me, and I stood up, pursing my lips. This was not going to go well.

I walked up to the stage, giving my CD copy of the song Leon had wrote for our duet to the person responsible for the music. He nodded, putting it in.

Speaking of Leon, where is he? I looked around but he was nowhere to be found. I sighed nervously.

I walked up on stage, and grabbed a microphone. I stared at everyone in the room. Ludmila was looking at me with a murderous look, as usual, and I tried not to be bothered. I tried to focus so my voice would come out strong and steady.

(Voy Por Ti)

Es por momentos que parezco invisible
Y solo yo entiendo lo que me hiciste, I looked at the entrance of the hall and spotted a confused Leon entering the class.

He stared at me intensely, and I almost lost my focus. Almost, key word.

Mírame bien, dime quien es el mejor.

It was going well till now. It was Leon's part. We had decided he would sing this part, because I always messed it up and went completely off beat.  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to continue singing, when, before I even knew what was happening, Leon was by my side on stage and moved on to his part.    

Cerca de ti, irresistible
Una actuación, poco creíble
Mírame bien, dime quien es el mejor

He turned to me and with a slight move of his head towards the audience, he smiled. That damn smile that always got me. Immediately, all previous thoughts of anger and annoyance were gone and were replaced by utter gratidude. He was here when I needed him.

Hablemos de una vez
Yo te veo pero tu no vez
En ésta historia todo está al revés
No importa ésta vez, voy por ti, voy

It was the last chorus before the song ended, and with a swift movement his hand was on mine, interwining our fingers together. He turned us to face our little audience and I smiled at him, knowing what he had just done. We were now together in front of everyone's eyes.

Hablemos de una vez
Siempre cerca tuyo estaré
Aunque no me veas mírame
No importa ésta vez, voy por ti
Voy por ti, voy por ti, voy por ti

And the song ended with me and Leon smiling at each other. I fell in his arms, scooping even closer to him than I was before, and I could feel his hot breath on my head.

We heard loud claps and cheers, and we pulled away. Antonio and Pablo were smiling, while Francesca and Camila had smug expressions plastered on their faces. I should have expected that.

"Another wonderful performance by none other than you," Leon commented and I mentally 'aww'ed.

"You were not that bad either." I shrugged and he kissed my cheek, making my heart flutter.

"I'm glad I'm with you, I hope you know it. And I'm not afraid to show it to anyone." He stated, and I bit my lip to prevent me from squeaking from happiness.

I took hold of his hand again, "Me too, Leon. Me too." We walked off the stage and returned to out seats, Leon sending me a small wink to my direction before walking towards Diego. I looked at him and he smirked. Was he like the girls too?

Everyone's jaw had dropped, nevertheless, and I was satisfied with my achievement. Leon was officially off  the market.

"Well done, Violetta and Leon!" Pablo told us, and we thanked him, me blushing like always.

Antonio added, "It was a very good performance. I'm looking forward to hearing more from you two." I looked at Leon and he nodded. I turned back to Antonio, smiling.

It was one of the best days I had experienced since my arrival in Buenos Aires, and Leon played a big part in that. He means a lot to me, and there's no one else I'd rather be with.

I'm in love with my bully (Leonetta)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora