Video game: Day #2

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Akira was startled. Aomine stood meekly before her with his hands folded and eyes to the ground. "You what?" she said slowly.
"I am having trouble with maths. I need you help," said Aomine.
"Why me?" said Akira warily. "Why not ask Akashi or someone else who actually understands the subject?"
"Just because."
Akira didn't want to turn down his offer. Here was the great Aho, in person, asking to be taught maths. It would take a huge weight off Satsuki's shoulder if she obliged. Akira felt that she owed Satsuki one and accepted. How hard could it be?
Akira met Sora shortly on the corridor outside. "Akira-san! Just who I was looking for!" exclaimed Sora. "We've received a challenge. It's anonymous but it's obviously Kise-kun."
"How can you be so sure?" said Akira. Sora handed her a note in response.
*Soracchi & co. ; This is an open challenge from the masked avenger. Today. After school. I challenge you to a match to the death. I will be accompanied by my trusty side-kick: Le phantom.*
Akira's jaw dropped. "Is this guy even for real? Wait. When did Tsuya-kun become his sidekick?"
"Kise-kun must have been really bored to write this. I'm going to indulge him this once I suppose. Also, the team's a bit restless. This will be a good vent."
"True that. Well, best of luck."
"Hold it!" exclaimed Sora. "Aren't you coming?"
"Can't. Aho asked me to teach him math."
"Math?" repeated Sora.
"Aho? Math?" said Sora. "Jeez, whatever I guess."
"What's with that reaction?"
"Nothing. You know, sometimes it's wise not to believe everything you hear, no matter who says it. Emphasis on the last part."
"Meaning?" demanded Akira.
"Nothing really. See you then."
Akira watched Sora leave with a sense of foreboding.
Sora raised her eyebrows. Behind her she heard Mayu burst out into laughter and Miyu silently quaking. Aoba softly cursed. The rest were too stumped to respond. A first year tugged her sleeve and whispered, "Nae, senpai are you sure they're from the g.o.m?"
Sora sighed and nodded. "I'm cent percent sure, kouhai."
Kise was wearing a brightly painted paper bag on his face and had used his lunch towel as his cape. He had tied the small towel on backwards and it looked as if someone had tied a bib on him the wrong way. Kuroko was positively cowering in shame behind Kise. Sora was thankful to see that he did not have a 'cape' but he still had on a paper bag.
"Nice get up," choked out Yukiji in between her laughs. "Why, thank you," said Kise giving a twirl. And then surveyed the crowd.
"Who dares to challenge the masked avenger?" announced Kise.
"Me!" said Mayu. "I know you're a scaredy cat, but I didn't know you took to wearing paper bags to hide yourself when you know you're going to lose."
"Me? No!" exclaimed Kise. "I'll even leave you my card so that you can call me any time when you want to challenge me. I'll even give you details about my sidekick."
"That won't be necessary," said Sora quickly. Kuroko seemed to be trying his best to fade out next to Kise but it was just no use. There was a small bit of blue hair sticking out from a hole in the paper bag that clearly proclaimed his identity.
"Wah! Kise-kun saying 'call me' sounds awesome!" exclaimed someone from the team. Sora facepalmed. And here she was thinking that it would be good exposure to have them play against the g.o.m.
"Right. Let's began," said Sora. She felt someone tug her sleeve. It was Kuroko. "Umm, sorry but I don't think I'll be able to play with this," he said gesturing at the mask. Sora blinked. He sounded upset. "Right. Escape before Kise-kun notices," whispered Sora. Kise chose that precise moment to pounce on Kuroko and drag him towards the court. "Let's go, Mayucchi and Yukijicchi have accepted our challenge!"
"So misdirection really doesn't work now... Kise-kun's going to be disappointed," muttered Sora.
The four players took their positions when Akashi walked in. "Sorry, I'll have to borrow the 'Masked avenger' and 'Le phantom'."
"Be my guest," said Sora with relief. None of the four looked like they were taking the match seriously anyway. Sora attributed it to the paper bags on Kise's and Kuroko's heads.
"Ryouta, enough fooling around. Come with me," said Akashi.
"Someone's in trouble," said Yukiji. "Didn't you two get permission?"
"Tehe! I forgot," said Kise scratching his head.
"You're doomed," informed Mayu.
"We'll get going then," said Akashi. "Sora, next time you find someone from my team messing around, I'd rather you inform me."
"Hey, you're not the only one missing people," said Sora. "Akira-san's being held up by Aomine."
"For what?" said Akashi.
"Maths," said Sora making quotation marks in the air.
"Oh, I know the real reason," piped up Kise.
"Hmm?" said Akashi.
"That video game," said Kise. The entire room let out a collective groan. "It's true!" insisted Kise. "Aominecchi said he wanted to ask Akiracchi's help so that he could ace the game the next time he played."
"This tomfoolery has to end!" said Akashi.
"I can't say I wouldn't like that. I feel a bit nauseous when I think of playing that game again," said Kuroko.
"I'll save you, Tetsuya," assured Akashi.
"Hold your horses! Aomine will never let him go unless he wins at least once," pointed out Yukiji.
"Then I'll just have to help him win."
Akira was pacing the library. She confronted Aomine as soon as he entered. "Aho! This doesn't have anything to do with maths, does it?"
Akira heard an irritated sound and gasped. She pulled Aomine out of the library before the librarian could find them and scream at them for shouting.
"Well?" she demanded when they were out.
"I need to learn how to win that video game."
"Seriously? Damn, you are so stupid..."

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