The first show!!

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I woke up in the same place I fell asleep. In Andy's arms! I loved that feeling.

I looked at the clock, which read 10:30 am. Oh no! The boys have to be at the arena by 11:30!!

I turned to Andy and woke him up.

"Andy! Andy baby! Wake up!"

"Yeah?" He said in his deep, raspy, morning voice.

"You guys only have an hour to get ready to be at the arena!" I said quickly.

"OH SHIT! I FORGOT! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" he shouted.

"EVERYONE WAKE UP!!!!" He shouted until everyone was awake.

"Guys we only have an hour to get to the arena!" Jake said!

"SHIT!" Escaped Jinxx' mouth.

They all started rushing and hurrying to get ready.

I stood there and I waited patiently for the bathroom to be available again.

As soon as it was, I hurried in, and I got ready, I brushed my hair, and my teeth. And I got dressed.

I walked into the space in front of the bus that was basically a living room, and sat down. I opened up my laptop and turned my cell phone on.

I turned the laptop on, and I logged into my Facebook page.

I looked at my profile picture which was a picture of me and my mom, the day before the car accident.. It was hard to look at it an not cry. I stared at that picture for about 30 minutes.. And completely ignored the fact that Chantelle was right there.

"Oh sorry hey." I said with a year running down my cheek.

"What's wrong Hun?" She asked me.

I turned the laptop so she could see it..

"It's a picture of you and your mom." She said smiling.

"Yeah I know... The day before..."

"Before what!?" She said. I forgot she hadn't known my parents died..

"The day before my parents died in a car accident..."

"Oh my gosh Kay! I'm so sorry! I had no idea!"

"It's okay..." I said crying.

"When... Is your parents funeral?"

"It's in a couple weeks, well be back home be time than so I can attend.."

"Alright, and I'll be there with you. I'll be right by your side. Your parents and my parents were pretty much each others parents! Haha." She said.

"Yeah I know.." I said with a half smile.

I walked up to the other room, so I could get a drink, and some aspirin.

I brought back, the container of aspirin, and my bottle of water.

I had a really

Bad head ache.

We walked into the kitchen like area, and made pancakes!

"I SMELL FOOD!!!!" Ash screamed as he walked up to us.

"Haha yea you do! We made pancakes!" Chantelle said.

"YUMMMY!!! Gimme gimme pancakes!!" He shouted like a five year old.

"Calm down or you don't get any!" Chantelle said.

He of course, being the perverted Ashley that he was, took it the wrong way and started giggling.

Immature! Haha.

The others came in and sat down and started eating.

We walked outside and there was a lot of fans standing around.

"OMG I love you so much!!!!" Some girl shouted. Jinxx walked over and hugged her and took some pictures with her.

"What's your name?" CC asked a pretty young girl.

"J-Jamie" she said quietly.

"Well, Jamie would you, like to be my girlfriend?" W

"Of course!" She said excited with a huge smile that led from one side of her face to the other.

Jamie and CC walked back over to the bus with us, and we got inside the boys limousine and drove to the arena, which is where the concert is.

Me, Jamie, Chantelle, and Lexi walked over to the area behind the stage where we could sit down.

We sat and hung out, and got to know Jamie better.


I love her like my sister!

The boys concert started and They started singing 'I am bulletproof!'

I love this song!

We cheered them on, and watched In amazement how all the fans sang along with the lyrics to the song. It was awesome.

~~~concert is now ending~~~

"This is to be our final transmission, the rebels have defeated our..."

Jinxx went on to say.

"You cannot escape, FEAR"

They all turned and put their heads down, than walked around to the front of the stage.

"THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING OUT HERE TONIGHT! We love you all! Good night!" Andy said as they exited the stage.

They came around and Andy was limping.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked him.

"I threw my back put when I jumped" he said wincing from pain.

"I'm sorry baby." I said feeling bad for him.

I helped him to the limousine and sat him down.

As soon as we arrived the tour bus I had Andy lay down, and I got some medicine to help the pain.

I left to go and get something to drink and came back, to a sleeping Andy.

He was adorable when he was sleeping, and when he was awake, I fell in love with him more and more every day and I didn't even need to try.

Lexis POV

I love Jake, with all of my heart. He is amazing.

He snaked his arms around my tiny waist and rested his head on my shoulder as he kissed my neck with soft kisses.

"I love you sweetie." He said to me.

"I love you too" I said back smiling into a deep passionate kiss with him.

He was mine, and I loved him, and I will never stop.


I layed down with him on his bed and fell asleep with his arms aroun me, my neck buried into his chest, and him kissing my head.

I loved the feeling of feeling protected.

I love him.

////----authors note----\\\\

I know this is a pretty god damn short chapter, but :p fuck it! Lol I hope you like it! Keep voting!! Shanksssss

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