Azog snarled in anger.   Suddenly the orc scouts arrived.  "Well? What did you find?" demanded Azog to the orc scouts.  "We have found the Company of Dwarves, sire.  In fact, there are thirteen in all, plus they have two others with them! One a halfling and the other a dwarf woman!" replied the Orc Scout.  "The Dwarf woman?! Who is she? What does she look like?" asked Charmaine quickly.  "She has black hair and grey eyes, My lady.  It's not the same woman you seek!" said Orc scout gravely   Hearing this, set Charmaine in an angry rant, as she screamed in rage.   Suddenly, she reached out and grabbed the orc by the throat, and began shaking him.  "You stupid little bastard! You were sent out to do one job, and you didn't do it! Why I ought to kill you!!" screamed Charmaine.  Suddenly, she felt Azog's large hand strike her across the face.   "Never attack my orcs without my consent again, is that understood, woman?!!" bellowed Azog.  "Yes, Azog!" said Charmaine quietly. 


The Company. 

 It was early evening, as the Company stopped to make camp.   After Lydia set up her bedroll, she helped Bombur in cooking dinner.    After supper, everyone gathered around the fire to tell stories, and Lydia even told stories of her own, and her fondest memories during her stay in Erebor--but she left out the worst of her memories.  She didn't want to talk about them, and most of the dwarves,  especially Thorin, understood that.   Lydia, whom was sitting next to Bilbo, took out a knife, and she began carving on some wood.  It was a hidden talent that she had kept to herself for a while, until Bilbo and several others watched her.  "I didn't know yer had an interest in woodworking lass!" spoke up Bifur, in his language, as he stood nearby and watched her.   

Lydia looked up at the dwarf and smiled.  "I've been doing this as long as I can remember!"  Lydia replied back to Bifur, in the same manner.   "What are you making,  Lydia?" asked Bilbo.  "I'm making a pipe." replied Lydia.  "Who is the pipe for? You?" asked Gloin.  "No, I'm making one for Thorin.  Thorin told me not to long ago, his broke." Lydia replied.   "Does Thorin know you're making him a pipe?" asked Balin, with a smile.  "Nope, he doesn't.  And I wish for this to be a surprise, so please any of you, do not tell him about this! I'm almost finished with it, and I will be able to give it to him tonight!" said Lydia.  "Can you make me a pipe, Lydia?" asked Bilbo.  "Why of course, I will! I will make one for you after I finish Thorin's." said Lydia smiling at the Hobbit.  It had been a real honor for Lydia of getting requests of items to be made, especially from someone outside her race.

  And it warmed her heart when Bilbo put in a request for a pipe, which made her night completely.   As the evening progressed, Lydia had finished her pipe for Thorin, and she began working on another pipe for Bilbo.  While she done that, the Dwarves began to sing some songs.      Later on, after that, Bilbo wanted to sing.  "Remember that old song I tried to teach you?" said Bilbo.  "Yes?" said Lydia.  "Would you mind joining me in singing it?" asked the Hobbit. "Bilbo, you know I cannot sing. I have a very bad voice! Besides that, I'm not a public singer anyways!" said Lydia.  "Oh, please sing Lydia! We wouldn't mind hearing you sing!" called out Fili.   Shit! Of course they had to put their two gold coins in! thought Lydia.   Suddenly the entire company began to chant to her and Bilbo.  "Sing! Sing! SING! SING!" all the dwarves chanted.  "Oh alright, I'll sing!" said Lydia, and she and Bilbo stood up as the two of them began to sing a song that Bilbo had recently written himself (he borrowed some paper from Ori, before jotting the song down). 

There is an inn

a merry old inn

Beneath an old grey hil

And there they brew the beer

so brown

The Man in the Moon himself

down, one night to drink his fill

The ostler has a tipsy cat

That plays a five stringed fiddle

And up and down he runs his bow

Now squeaking high, purring low

Now sawing in the middle.

   And as Bilbo and Lydia sang, they danced around as Bofur took out his flute, and began playing along, as well as Dwalin too on his viola, and the  rest of the company clapped and danced along as well. The only person there that wasn't dancing was Thorin, whom stood, now angry and glaring jealously at Lydia and Bilbo, and the more he watched the two of them dance together, the angrier the dwarf had gotten, and he walked away, without being noticed by the rest of the Company.  Once the song ended, everyone clapped their hands, and praised Bilbo and Lydia on the song.  "And you said you didn't sing good! You got quite a voice on yer, lass!" said Bofur.  "Thank you, Bofur." said Lydia, as she scanned around the area for Thorin.  And she noticed Thorin wasn't there.  It surprised Thorin didn't join them on the merriment, as she wondered.  Suddenly, she felt Balin's hand on her shoulder. "Thorin normally doesn't join us in on the merriment---since the day his Grandfather and brother died in the Battle of Moria." said Balin softly. 

  Lydia understood that, and she decided to  leave Thorin be, and to give him some alone time.   The next morning, the Company set out, and Lydia rode up next to Thorin.   "Hey, Thorin! I'm surprised y ou didn't join us last night! I was hoping to share a dance with you!" said Lydia.  "Take your pony, you'll be riding in the back with your Hobbit!" demanded Thorin, angrily. "Thorin, what in the hell is the problem now?!" snapped Lydia.  "The problem is YOU Lydia! I said move to the back! NOW!" shouted Thorin angrily.  "Fine!" snapped Lydia, as she turned her pony around, and rode to the back where Bilbo is riding his pony.  Suddenly, it was Fili who stopped her.  "Would you mind telling me what was all that about?" asked the blonde dwarf.  "I don't know, FILI!" snapped Lydia angrily, and she rode passed him. 

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