At Some Time In London...

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It was drizzling. The young man getting out of the carriage frowned at it. English weather was seriously bad.

He hadn't brought an umbrella, so he turned his coat collar up to try and block some of the drizzle. It didn't work.

Luckily for him, the distance from the carriage to the hotel was only a short one. He smiled dryly as he entered, letting the porter take his bags. He had forgotten how quaint English hotels were. Particularly the little posh ones like this, with their exclusivity and attention to detail. So quaint.

He sauntered up to the desk, and the receptionist looked him up and down discerningly under her welcoming smile. He seemed to her like a very ordinary sort of chap, with a nice face. That was, until he opened his mouth.

"I have a reservation?" he drawled. The receptionist recoiled with disgust. An American.

"Name?" she asked curtly, flicking through the register.

"Arthman" the American drawled. "Henry Arthman."

It's here. The end is in sight. Danger is all around. Friendships will be tested, loves will be lost, and a certain someone will make one final return. Alianna Winter's tenth adventure is titled The Final Endgame. (and you'll have to excuse me for being overdramatic!)

The Impossible Poisoning.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora