Drabble 2

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                                                                      Edge of Glory by Lady Gaga

AN: Drabble 2/5

"Where are we going?" Alice asked her girlfriend Ashley. They had been sitting in their apartment watching t.v. when Ashley had suddenly stood up and led Alice out the door. They were walking through the woods that were by their apartment.

Ashley led her down a narrow path it ended at the edge of a cliff. Ashley sat down and Alice sat beside her. She grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently.

"Alice you know I love you right?" Ashley asked. "Yes and I love you too." Alice said softly blushing. Ashley kissed Alice gently on the lips and then pulled open a small box.

In it was a beautiful ring. Ashley looked into Alice's eyes. "Alice Sullivan will you marry me?" she asked. Alice nodded furiously and Ashley put the ring on her finger.

Tonight they were on the edge of glory and Ashley was haning on this moment with Alice

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