I felt her stiffen and then her shoulders drooping accepting the situation.

"Yes Mr. Wilson I know I am your wife for another 6 months." She said in weak voice looking down.

"Then know that no wife of mine will disobey me or disrespect me.  I am expecting her to do what I say when I say" I said harshly to hide the concern which I felt when saw her defeated expression.

But it was as if spitfire was back when she closed her eyes and then clenched her teeth and said "Mr. Wilson are you looking for a wife or a dog?You know I am not your type. You know I don't love you... forget that I don't even like you.. so WHY? what did I do to you ? "

I could see she was frustrated and I knew Sophie never believed she was beautiful. But I know now I have opportunity to make her feel beautiful and once she accept to be mine I will show her my love. Till then I had to make sure she listens to me so I showed my anger instantly. "Sophie I just told you that you will not disrespect me. Watch your tone. Did you not hear me the first time " I said gritting my teeth.

"I did Mr. Wilson but I want my answer. Just because I rejected to be your girlfriend, to be your toy of the week you are making me do this. You are heartless, a monster " She yelled.

I felt her pain but I could not let her go. I know I am a monster but  I LOVE you SOPHIE... I DO .. the first time I laid my eyes on you at high school. I wanted you. At first I wanted to be friends with you but later I wanted you as my girlfriend and now I want you to be my wife

"Sophie I will not repeat again.. you will not raise your voice at me and do what I say. " I said in a calm and stern voice.

"But.... I .. want....."  She was about to continue when I cut her off by gripping her wrist tight.

" You will do what I tell you Sophie whether you like it or not. So suck it up if I want you here then it means I want you here with me. I am a business man and I am not going to slip this chance to get back the payment. And about you rejecting to be my girlfriend I would say you lost a golden chance and now that is past. Leave it be, from today you are my wife in the eyes of society but know that you are my sex slave and I will not tolerate  a slave moreover a sex slave raising voice on me. You are a whore to me now and so you better behave like one. I will not have you throwing tantrums. If you want to back out of this contract, get me my money and you are free and if you don't then abide by the rules or pay the consequences" I said.

I know it made her hate me even more because last night I took her without her will. Though she begged but I could not let her slip away when there was a golden opportunity to have her as my wife and have a future family with her. She was the only unfulfilled thing in my life and she was the only person I wanted so much.

" I expected that much from you Mr. Wilson" She replied with hatred in her voice. 

Hearing her hated words hurt me. But I have the mission to make her mine. She has signed the contract without reading.Little did she knew the contract that she signed has bound her to me for life. 

I didn't argue her statement though..I knew I was being harsh... but I wanted her to know who was in control.

 "Now you can continue what you want Sophie.  But be prepared for bed tonight.I won't have you motionless like first night or else there will be consequences. I want my wife to be responsive on my bed." I said kissing side of her cheek

She abruptly pulled away and said"No you can't... I held my part of the bargain... you can't make me do what I don't want". Her eyes glazed with fire and I loved it.

"Oh.. Sophie... you are so innocent... and that's what I like about you... But you know that you were so naive to sign it without reading and since contract was prepared by me I changed so many conditions that you have no idea" She looked shocked so I continued " what??... did you??..." I said raising a brow waiting for any response when I didn't I continued again "I know you didn't  ... hell  I knew you won't Sophie...You are so gullible..." I  said smirking at her hopeless expression.

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