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Katherine took a sip of her vodka as she watched her friends dance with random guys. It's been almost an hour since they had arrived to this really Posh club specifically meant for the rich.

It wasn't her fault that her friends were snobbish and only preferred these kind of places than the local clubs. Honestly she didn't care. Right now all she wanted was to go home.

She took the last sip of her drink when she felt someone's intense gaze on her. She quickly turned around only to see Ashton Wallworks grinning at her.

She just looked away, silently telling herself that he wasn't here and what she just saw was the alcohol playing tricks with her.

But she was wrong.

"We meet again." He remarked as he let his gaze wonder over her mouth watering body.

The electric blue strapless dress she wore hugged her body like a second skin. Hugging all her curve perfectly.

Her long black hair was stick straight and her makeup was done perfectly as usual. And not to mention the killer black jimmy choos that flaunted her long legs.

Ashton let his gaze wonder on her legs for a little longer than needed. Making Katherine snort at him.

"My eyes are up here Ashton." She snapped making him chuckle.

"Didn't mean to annoy you my love." he replied with no hint of sincerity in his words.

" lWhy are you here Ashton?"

"Isn't it obvious my love?" he replied with a chuckle as he sipped his whisky.

"Look Ashton I don't know what your problem is. But I want you to stay away from me."

"Sorry to disappoint you my love. But we are meant to be together.."

"Ya right." she scoffed at him.

"Come on princess, it's the truth accept it."

"Is there a problem Miss?" a new voice interrupted them.

Katherine turned around and saw a really good looking guy glaring daggers at Ashton.

"Go away kiddo it's none of your business." Ashton snapped at him.

"Actually no...thank you." Katherine replied politely not wanting to create a scene.

"Are you sure Miss?"

"You heard her right? Now go and mind your own business." Ashton snapped in an irritated tone. Earning a glare from Katherine.

"Yes I'm pretty sure. Anyways thank you." She gave him a sweet smile.

"Ian." he offered his hand as he took a seat on the stool next to her.

"Katherine." she replied.

"You look familiar. Have we met before?" he asked trying to make a conversation.

"Sorry I don't think so." she replied.

"Mind if I buy you a drink?" he asked hopefully making Ashton glare at him.

"No you can't." Ashton growled drawing a lot of attention.

"And who may you be?" Ian raised an eyebrow at Ashton, who was busy glaring daggers at him.

"Her husband. Now go away kid before I beat the shit out of you." Ashton warned as he stood behind her protectively.

"Oh really? Then why don't I see a wedding ring on her fingers?"

"Well, that's again none of your business."

"Stop embarrassing me Ashton" Katherine hissed as she glared at him.

"I'm sorry Ian. And yes you may buy me a drink." she gave him a bright smile.

"What the hell is wrong with you Katherine?" Ashton growled in frustration.

"Look Ashton, I told you once and I am telling you again. LEAVE ME ALONE"

"FINE." with that he stormed out of the club without a second glance.

"So....was he really your husband?"

"Hell no! He's just....can we speak about something else please?"

"Here's your drink." the bartender interrupted them as he handed them their drinks. And nodded at Ian assuring him of something.

After chatting for a while Katherine felt a strange pounding in her head. Everything around her stated spinning and her vision blurred.

She scanned the dance floor trying to locate her friends. But she couldn't find them. It seemed like they had ditched her once again.

"Katherine is everything alright?" Ian asked with concern.

"Yeah, I guess." she replied shakily. She grabbed her clutch and got out of her seat.

"I guess I better get going. It was nice meeting you. See you around." She smiled at him and made her way through the crowd.

She had almost made it to her car when she felt two arms wrap around her waist. Making her scream in fear.

"What the hell Ian?" she yelled as she was slammed into the nearest wall.

"What did you think I would let you leave that easily?" He smirked at her wickedly.

"Let me go Ian." she shouted as she tried to free herself from his grip.

"What if I don't?" he raised an eyebrow at her.

"When the lady tells you to let her go. You are supposed to let her go." A booming voice was heard from behind them.

"Ashton?" Ian blurted out as he watched him advance towards them.

"You are as good as dead."

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