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Alison's eyes went wide the moment she spotted Ashton. No! This can't be happening. He can't find out about her. At least not like this.

"Mrs Mickelson." Lily acknowledged as she smiled warmly at her.

"So now I know why I wasn't allowed to see Adriana that night." Ashton growled as he glared at her.

"Lily would you please excuse us for a while?"

"Of course Mrs Mickelson." Lily replied as she walked back to the kitchen.

"Why are you here Ashton?" she asked coldly as she walked down the stairs.

"She's my Adriana isn't she?" he demanded ignoring her question.

"Adriana is dead Ashton. You killed her remember?" she asked coldly as she stood right infront of him.

"Stop playing games Alison."

"Playing games? You were the one who started. She loved you Ashton, and what did you do? Make her give up on life?"

"Quit playing games Alison. And answer my question."

"I have already told you Ashton. Adriana is dead."

"And you want me to believe it?"

"Do you have a choice?"

"Yes I do. I could just drag you to court."

"And what would you accuse me of?"

"Look Alison it's very clear that Katherine is my Adriana. So now it's better you spill the truth out before I do something I would regret later."

"Katherine is not Adriana." she replied making him chuckle.

"Oh really? Then why does she look like her?" Alison paled.

"I....she..." she stuttered not knowing how to reply.

"What happened Alison? Or do you prefer Mrs Mickelson?" he spat acidly.

"She's not Adriana." she blurted out looking down at her feet.

"Stop lying Alison. It's simply useless arguing about Katherine being Adriana. When we all know she is."

"No she is not."

"Oh really? Then why did you pale when you saw me?"


"You know what Alison? You just proved me right." She didn't reply a word. She just looked away from him.

"What cat got your tongue?"

"You don't deserve her Ashton Wallworks."

"Then so don't you."

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?" Nicklaus growled as he walked down the stairs with a stern expression on his face.

"Well, I and Alison here were having this interesting conversation."

"Cut the crap Wallworks. I know exactly what you are doing."

"Then why didn't you tell your slut of a wife to answer me?"

"How dare you." Nicklaus growled.

"Stop growling Mickelson you sound like a dog."

"Ashton I suggest you leave. Or else-"

"Else what?" he challenged as he looked him in the eyes.

"Ashton I'm giving you a last warning. Leave before I do something." he trailed off.

"I'm not leaving till you tell me the truth."

"We have already told you the truth Ashton. She's not Adriana" Alison blurted out still looking down at her feet.

"Ashton Wallworks I said leave." Nicklaus growled again but this time he looked like he was really going to kill someone.

"Fine I will leave.But we are not done with this conversation Alison. I will get the truth out of you." And with that he stormed out of the house.

"Nick I'm sorry. I didn't know he would..." but he cut her off in the middle.

"Listen to me Alison and listen carefully. You are not going to open your mouth at any cost. And if you do....you know very well what the consequences will be." he gave her an evil smirk and turned around and walked away.

Alison quietly walked into her daughter's room. And sat by her and silently watching her baby sleep.

"I'm so sorry my baby,I'm very sorry. Mumma couldn't keep her promise." she felt tears roll down her cheeks. She hadn't felt this helpless in her entire life.

She silently cried as she watched her daughter sleep peacefully completely unaware of the world . She watched Katherine mumble in her sleep and a small smile made its way on her face.

She stroked her hair as she felt more tears roll down her cheeks. She kissed her forehead and quietly got out of the bed.

"I'm sorry my baby.... For being such a disappointment." and with that she walked out of the room.

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