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"You are good as dead."

Ashton growled as he took predatory steps towards Ian. His eyes glaring daggers at Ian.

A shiver ran down Ian's spine and he immediately let go of Katherine.

"You did a big mistake punk." Ashton growled as he grabbed Ian's collar.

"You shouldn't have touched her." he threw a punch at Ian's face making him groan in pain.

"You son of a bitch." He cursed as he nursed his broken nose.

Ashton didn't look like he was done with this guy yet. He still was pissed off that this guy had the nerve to drug her.

He was glad that he hadn't left and had decided to keep a watch on her from a distance. And had noticed Ian follow her.

Ashton walked up to Ian and grabbed his collar and started punching him all over again.

"Ashton let him go. You are going to kill him." Katherine yelled as she walked towards him trying very hard not to trip on her own foot.

"You stay out of this Katherine." He growled not bothering to let Ian go.

"Let him go Ashton please." she pleaded as she continued to walk towards them.

But this time she actually tripped on her foot. Falling straight on her face with a thud, which gained Ashton's attention.

He groaned loudly as he finally let go of Ian. Not before throwing one last punch at his face knocking him down. And walked towards her.

"God! Why can't you stay in one place woman." he snapped at her as he picked her up.

"You are so mean." She snapped at him.

"And you are so stupid." He snapped back at her.

"Seriously? What were you thinking?"

"You were annoying me. And I wanted to piss you off." she replied looking down at her feet.

"Look at me." He commanded, but she just ignored him.

"Look at me Katherine." He lifted her chin making her look into his eyes.

"Promise me you wouldn't do that again?" He whispered in her ears as he pulled her towards him, wrapping his arms around her.

Katherine was confused by his sudden change in behaviour. But she just ignored it. She loved the sparks which she felt by the touch of their skin.

For some unknown reason she felt complete. It felt like she belonged right here. In his arms,close to his chest.

"Promise me?" he whispered as he pulled away from her.

"I promise." she replied and turned on her heels and started walking towards her car.

"And where do you think you are going?"

"To my car?"

"You can't walk straight without tripping on your own feet. And you think you can drive?"

"But I-" she started but he cut her off in the middle.

"I'm driving you home and that's final." And with that he turned around and walked towards his car.

"Fine ." She mumbled and followed him.


"You wanted to talk to me Nick?" Ali asked as she entered the study.

"Yeah. Come sit." he replied pointing at the chair opposite to him.

"What is it you wanted to discuss with me?"

"I wanted to make sure that the arrangements for the  ball is done appropriately."

"Don't worry about it Nick. I have made sure everything's done perfectly."

"It's a big day Ali, I don't want anything going wrong."

"Don't worry Nick I'm personally taking care of things. So you need not worry."

"Good, now I want you to involve Katherine in the arrangements." she gave him a confused look.

"But what about the project?"

"I will be handling it personally."


"Look Ali, I want you to keep Katherine occupied for a few days. I don't want her anywhere near that son of a bitch."

"Don't worry Nick I will make sure she doesn't."

"Good. Now you may leave."

"Good night Nick." she replied as she walked out of the study.


"What were you thinking Katherine? How could you let that scum bag buy you a drink? You know, he could have spiked your Drink.Oh sorry, he already did." Ashton snapped for the nth time. Making Katherine groan in frustration.

"Will you just shut your trap? My head is pounding." she snapped as she rubbed her pounding head.

"How could you be so careless Katherine?"

"It's all your fault. You were annoying me and I just wanted to piss you off."

"Just to piss me off? You almost got yourself raped tonight."

"But it didn't happen right? So end of story."

"Yes it didn't, because I was there. What if I had left?"

"Why can't you just let the matter drop?"

"Because I care.."

An awkward silence filled the car the moment those words came out of his mouth. Katherine's eyes went wide at what she had just heard.

"I mean... I just." he stuttered. God he never stutters. At least not in front of women.

"I think you are right. We should drop this here." He agreed not wanting to explain himself.

The rest of the drive went in silence. Neither spoke a word. And within thirty minutes they finally pulled into her driveway.

"We are here." he turned off the engine and turned towards her.

A small smile made its way on his lips as he found her sleeping peacefully on the passenger seat. She looked so adorable. He could watch her sleep all night.

He got out of the car and walked to the passenger side and carried her bridal style and walked to the entrance of the mansion.

He rang the door bell and patiently waited for the door to open.

After what seemed like forever the door finally opened and an elderly woman dressed in a housekeeper's uniform stepped out.

Her eyes went wide when she saw Katherine passed out in his arms.

"Oh my god! What happened to her?" she gushed as she invited him in.

"Nothing to worry. She's just drunk." she sighed in relief.

"Tom? Tom?" she called out for her husband who came running towards them.

"What's wrong Lilly?" he asked with concern as he looked at Katherine.

"Oh honey, everything's fine. Miss Katherine is just drunk."

"Oh thank God....And you are?" he asked as he looked at Ashton.

"A friend of Katherine." He replied with a smile.

"What's going on here?" a new voice interrupted them . Ashton turned around and froze.


The Billionaire's Lost Love  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora