Alternate Ending

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You take my hand and drag me head first, fearless.”

Taylor Swift- Fearless

Nikki stood in the astronomy tower, she looked over her shoulder and the ground below. She never been up there during the day before, only at night when she required to go when it came to classes, it wasn't something she enjoyed often.

In her heart she knew this was what she was meant to do, that its who she wanted to be with. While a part of her was afraid, she didn't want to go on and look back on what could've been, and what would happen if she missed out.

“What are you doing up here all alone?” asked Remus, drawing Nikki's attention away from the view, she hadn't heard him come up. She didn't even know how long he had been standing there, for all she knew it could've been a few minutes.

Nikki shrugged and gave him a small smile “ I was waiting for you” explained Nikki, as she watched Remus came and stood by her “I wanted to talk to you without all the chaos of other people, mainly James and Sirius” she added.

Curiosity made its way into Remus “What did you want to talk to me about?” he questioned, though he wondered what was so important that she needed to talk to him alone. Part of him understood why with how the other two were.

“We've been best friends for years.”began Nikki as she turned around to face the view “You are probably the only sane person I hang out with, and you are the only one who I can be around without wanting to slap most of the time.” she continued.

Remus smiled at the thought of how long they've known each other, he remembered that day well. But not even then did he know or expect that he would fall in love with her, that she would have him sleepless some nights.

For a moment, Nikki paused to turn her head to face Remus, who was staring off in the distance “And you've always been there for me when I needed you, when no one else was. And you were on my side when I was wrong and it seemed like everyone was against me” said Nikki, keeping her eyes on Remus.

This got Remus suddenly nervous, what was she getting at? Was all of this a good thing? Or was she about to do something that would break him part? But instead of asking what all of this was about, he only smiled and nodded “ You know I would do anything for you.” he replied.

It was small things that Remus said like that, that made Nikki know even more that this was the right choice “Everything is easy when I'm with you, but..” started Nikki, taking a deep breath “I'm not sure if we can be friends.” she finished.

Those words felt like a punch in the stomach to Remus, she didn't want to be friends? Even with everything that she just said, she was cutting him off just like that? When he faced her to question why she was doing it, he didn't expect what she did next.

Nikki silenced anything that Remus was about to say with a kiss, after he got over the surprise of the kiss, Remus couldn't help smile, and he was still smiling even when Nikki pulled back and studied his face.

“That was mean.” said Remus shaking his head “ I really thought you were going to drop me as a friend for some odd reason” he added, wanting to frown, but he couldn't seem to bring himself to do anything but smile.

With a shrug, Nikki gave him an apologetic smile “Well, in a way I don't want to be a friend... I want to be more than that, that is if you want to. If you don't I understand...” she said quickly, suddenly afraid that she messed something up.

Remus couldn't help but roll his eyes “Are you serious? I wanted you to say something like that since I've meet you, of course I would love to be your..” he said before pausing for a moment, he couldn't believe he was actually going to get the chance to say this “Boyfriend.” he said smiling even wider.

That was something he wanted to say for so long, he wasn't sure what got her to want to be with him. But he didn't care, he loved her and he would always love her, and now that he could be with her, that was all that mattered.

Nikki Potter: A Heart's ChoiceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang