Chapter seven

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Nikki followed Professor McGonagall into her office, her eyes snapped to James who was sitting in a chair looking bored. Her stomach twisted into a knot, had James did something to somehow get them both into trouble?

“Have a seat.” instructed Professor McGonagall, but instead of her voice being stern like Nikki had expected, it seemed more sad. Nikki's stomach sank slightly as she took a seat next to James, trying not to feel sick.

Nikki took a shaky deep breath “Are we in trouble Professor?” she managed to ask, before glancing at James, who had his arms crossed waiting to be allowed to leave. He was in here more than Nikki was, but for completely different reasons.

When a solemn look spread on Professor McGonagall's face, Nikki felt her words and breath catch in her throat. Everything is okay, James probably just got into trouble and said I had something to do with it too thought Nikki.

Professor McGonagall folded her hands and rested them on the desk “There is no possible easy way to tell you two this.” she began, Nikki's heart began to thump in her chest, part of her was screaming something was wrong, and she hoped that the next words were going to be that they were expelled.

Nikki much rather be expelled than have McGonagall say what a huge part of her was fearing, she could always go to another school, James would probably get to Durmstrang, she wasn't sure where she would go, she heard of a new school that opened not to long ago.

“We got an owl early this morning.” said Professor McGonagall, and James raised a brow in response, wondering what the big deal was about an owl “Your parents have passed away.” explained Professor McGonagall at last.

The world around Nikki seemed to freeze and she felt sick and like she was going to pass out “W-what?” stammered Nikki once she was able to find the words, and she covered her mouth afraid if she spoke more that she would be sick.

James remained silent no words were able to form in his brain, and his face was emotionless, if he had not been expressing boredom and had a questioning look on his face, one would be think that he had not heard what Professor McGonagall had just said.

Nikki stood up quickly from her chair and faced James “You promised!” she shouted, tears breaking free from her eyes “You promised that they would be okay!” she added, yet James didn't move from his statute like position.

“Ms. Potter calm down.” said Professor McGonagall half firmly half gently, she didn't want to be too hard on her. After all, she had just found out that both of her parents had died, it wasn't an easy thing to hear.

With a shake of the head, Nikki's body trembled with each small movement “They were supposed to get better...” said Nikki, her voice barely audible. Just when things were getting on the right track with their relationship, they were gone..

All of this was too much for Nikki to handle, she turned quickly and ran out of the office, nearly getting tangled in her cloak in the process. She ran past Sirius, who was waiting for her and wanting to see if she got into trouble.

“Nikki!” shouted Sirius sounding confused, but he didn't run after her, something told him to leave her alone. That something happened and Nikki didn't need him cracking jokes or trying to figure out what happened.

In the office, James still sat, not moving, blinking and barely breathing. He never believed that something was terribly wrong with his parents, he thought that Nikki was always overreacting. James thought they were strong enough to get better...

Nikki ran until her legs gave up and she fell to her knees in tears, Nikki adjusted herself so she was sitting and her knees were pulled to her chest. She ignored the people around here, who stared but didn't ask what was wrong.

She never wanted to lose her parents, not even when they compared her to James, who tried to make her like them. She never wanted them to leave her like this, she wanted them to always be there, she loved them no matter what.

The worst part for Nikki was she never got to tell them she loved them before she left, to hug them one last time before she went to Hogwarts. She didn't get to see them before going to Hogwarts, she never got the chance to say goodbye.

Nothing Nikki ever experienced ever felt this bad, she rather have so much change at Hogwarts, that was bearable. But losing her parents wasn't, it felt like her entire world was flipped upside down and she broke when she hit something.

Nikki buried her face into her knees, wanting for all of this to be another nightmare, like the ones she had before. It was only the pain that she felt that reminded her that it was not a dream, just a horrible reality.

Footsteps grew close to Nikki, and she caught a tiny glimpse of a pair of legs as they stopped in front of her “Go away” she choked out, not bothering to look up to see who had come up to her. She didn't care, she just wanted them away.

But instead, Nikki was pulled to her feet to face James, who finally was able to move from his statue like state. His face was still emotionless, but his eyes held pain, without a word, James pulled Nikki into a tight hug.

Usually Nikki would wiggle out of James' hugs, but this time she hugged him back and put her forehead on his shoulder. James was the only one that Nikki would allow to try and comfort her at the moment, she didn't want anyone else near her, and James was going through the same thing.

“I want mum and dad” whimpered Nikki, her eyes starting to hurt from crying so hard and so much. If she didn't have to worry about running to Remus or Sirius, she would go back to the common room and curl into a ball by the fire.

James nodded, still unable to speak, what would he say anyway? He wasn't sure what one would say when trying to comfort someone who lost their parents, which made him unsure what he would want someone to say to him too.

“Don't leave me too.” asked Nikki, her voice shaking “Don't leave me James, please. Don't go like mum and dad did, I love you James even if lately it doesn't seem like I do, you are my big brother and I don't wanna lose you too.” Nikki cried softly, she knew that James wasn't dying or anything, but she was still afraid of losing him.

James stiffly nodded and hugged Nikki tighter, her saying that was the blow that broke his emotionless state. And for the first time, in James didn't know how long. A single stray tear fell down his face.

Fun fact: This idea was orginally planned for Chapter Four of A Sister's Betrayal.

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