Chapter fourteen

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Nikki adjusted the scarf she had around her neck, it was a particularly cold day, but she was disappointed to see that it hasn't snowed yet. She wanted to see snow, there was just something about it, and after playing in the snow with Sirius last year it made her want it to snow even more.

The one she wasn't looking forward to this year was holiday break, they didn't really have a place to go to, they had to stay at Hogwarts this year and Nikki knew that. They had no parents to go home to, and they couldn't go to Sirius' house, not that Nikki would in the first place.

She heard how his parents were, and how they practically disowned him when they found out he got sorted into Gryffindor. Nikki has no idea Sirius dealt with it for those years, not that she didn't have to deal with difficulties with her parents as well.

“Nikki!” called out Severus, making Nikki look over her should for a brief moment. But she didn't stop and turn to him, but she kept walking, Nikki knew he would follow her anyway if he had wanted to talk to her.

But what he wanted to talk to her about? That was something Nikki didn't know “Yeah?” she asked, not looking back at Severus. Nikki was kind of afraid to face him, but part of her was glad he wasn't avoiding her like she feared.

Nikki shut her eyes and sighed slightly when Severus had caught up to her “You need to hear this, its about Lupin” said Severus, scowling at the mention of Remus. Nikki stopped and looked at him with a confused look.

“What do you mean its about Remus? What happened?” asked Nikki, had something happened to Remus that she did not hear about quite yet? He seemed a little sleepy earlier, but he looked fine from what Nikki could tell.

Severus stared at her for a long moment, he wondered if she really didn't know and if telling her would ruin things, but he thought she should know “ I know what he is, I found out what he is, you need to stay away from him. He is a werewolf.” he said, he was right the whole time about Remus being a werewolf.

Nikki's eyes grew wide “You know? Not do long ago you were questioning me about it and now you know?” she questioned, her voice showing her shock and disbelief. Did someone tell him? Or did he just put the pieces together?

For a short moment, the expression on Severus' face was confused, but was gone as quick as it came. Instead he raised a brow at her “You knew? You knew what he was and you still choose to stay around him? How long have you known?” he asked.

“I've known since my first year.” said Nikki, turning her gaze away “And yes I still hang out with him, he is one of my best friends, he has not once hurt me because of what he goes through. Plus I trust him.” she added.

Severus stayed silent for a moment, she knew this whole time? And she didn't even seem to care about what he really was “When I asked about it, you said you didn't really know and that he was sick.” he mentioned, wondering why she lied to him.

Nikki crossed her arms and bit her lip slightly “It wasn't my secret to tell, if he wanted people to know he would've said something” explained Nikki “And how did you find out? Did you just figure it out?” she questioned in confusion.

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